The Last Resort of a Scoundrel, Part II

Remember Reigncom, the Korean manufacturer of MP3 players that ran TV commercials invoking the nationalism card against its American and Japanese competitors a few months back? Evidently, the cultivation of hatred is no substitute for making the best product at the lowest price, and competition is coming from an unexpected quarter–its own technology, in the hands of the Chinese:

Korean companies that took their business and know-how to China in search of a cheaper workforce are seeing their decision come back to haunt them. Take Chinese MP3 player manufacturer AVC, which recently entered the Korean market with its SIGN brand. Located in Shenzhen, the company was originally a subcontractor for Korea’s largest MP3 manufacturer Reigncom. To add insult to injury, its products are well received in Korea and have won design prizes in Europe.

This is a win-win. Reigncom loses, pleasing both OFK and the spirit of Ayn Rand in Objectivist Heaven, and Reigncom may start running Koguryo ads to invoke the nationalism card against China, which actually has designs to rule all of Korea. As an added bonus, the Chosun Ilbo will continue running that Chinese-dragon-swallows-world graphic. Nice.
