Miss Woods, Fetch My ‘Enemies List!’

Well, well, look who the new “centrist” candidate, Goh Kun, invited to his big political coming-out day:

The group’s inaugural meeting was held at the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry building yesterday. A list of 106 promoters of the group included mostly scholars and prominent figures, including former Unification Minister Jeong Se-hyun, who is now a professor at Ewha Womans University, and theater actress Park Jung-ja. Mr. Goh said the group did not include active politicians.

Yes, that Jeong Se-hyun. Goh Kun earned a reputation for being a relative adult after Roh Moo-Hyun was briefly impeached. Of course, it’s pretty easy to look like an adult standing next to Roh, but hard to look like one when you’ve invited Mister Pearls-for-a-Pig himself to your smoke-filled room. This means that we could look forward to five more years of South Korea extending a “rot in hell” policy to the North Korean people if Goh wins in 2007. Et tu, Goh.


1 Response

  1. Well, well, that ought to be a lesson about “centrists” and “moderates,” whatever those mean.