‘Asia’s Darfur’

The better the words Jay Lefkowitz speaks, the more the rest of this administration seems to be drifting toward appeasing the regime at any cost.  I admire his efforts to attach the plight of the North Korean people to a worthy cause that has received so much attention from the media, Hollywood, and the Human Rights Industry, but I’ve come to the conclusion that  Lefkowitz’s approach is all wrong. 

What Lefkowitz and others need to grasp is this:   hatred of America is like kyrptonite to the conscience of the Human Rights Industry; it’s just too confusing to them.  It divides their sanctimony and blocks their  ability to form clear judgments.  The only way to  interest the left  in the atrocities in North Korea is to adopt this suggestion and form a “strategic relationship” with  Kim Jong Il.  We could sell them guns.  Wal-Mart could set up  a big new sweatshop  in Kaesong.  If all else fails, Halliburton could drill for oil off their coast.   Until then, it doesn’t matter how many millions of North Koreans die.  The left will choose not to care.


4 Responses

  1. honestly, when it comes to NK, you can’t fault Bush or the liberals. You can only blame KJI.

  2. VW, You’re one of about ten “liberals” whom I know to be sincere about this issue. I consider you a liberal in the classic John Stuart Mill sense. I’m not Sean Hannity, and “liberal” is not an epithet to me. We may disagree on plenty of things, but I don’t question your compasion, reason, or patriotism. We just disagree on some things.

    I don’t consider Sean Penn and Michael Moore “liberals;” I consider them militant masochists (admittedly, my own unique taxonomy). One can be willing to look within at one’s own country — and yes, we are as fallible as anyone — without deliberately skewing moral perspective because of one’s own self-loathing.

    There’s an enormous difference between an open mind and a fevered one.

  3. It’s not that the ‘Sean Penns and Michael Moores’ of the world love the enemy so much as that they hate their own country so.

    … somewhat akin to rebellious teenagers who never did manage to acquire the wisdom that so often accompanies age and experience … trapped in their own little bubble.

    Malicious and ugly, the lot of them.

  4. What Lefkowitz and others need to grasp is this: hatred of America is like kyrptonite to the conscience of the Human Rights Industry; it’s just too confusing to them. It divides their sanctimony and blocks their ability to form clear judgments.


    Absolute White House indifference to North Korea altogether might work….

    but the surest way to get those pundits to reverse course who have given advice recently on “giving NK the strategic relationship it so desires” to promote peace and stability —– would be for the US government to ——– give NK the “strategic relationship” (read: material support it needs to survive) is so desires.

    It is the same type of people (probably actually the same person physically in some cases) who before the 1990s bashed the White House and US for “propping up” dictators in Seoul…..