Home > Propaganda The KCNA Drinking Game Take two drinks; they said “brigandish” two more times. Share 0 Tweet 0 reddit 0 Email 0Shares 2 Responses Comments 2 Pingbacks 0 I hate North Korea but I love “brigandish.” It sounds eloquent…”unhand me, you brigandish hooligan.” I have a better word(s); Lee Myung Bak *insert ‘government’, ‘group’, or ‘gang’ here* Prev Post Nothing Says “Democratic Peoples’ Republic” Like a New S-Class Next Post U.S. Won’t Board Suspected N. Korean Arms Ship
I hate North Korea but I love “brigandish.” It sounds eloquent…”unhand me, you brigandish hooligan.”
I have a better word(s); Lee Myung Bak *insert ‘government’, ‘group’, or ‘gang’ here*