Brookings Event with Kongdan Oh and Ralph Hassig on Tuesday

11/11 Update:   The program audio for this event is now available for free (and FAST) download as an MP3 file.  Just click the event link and look for the “Multimedia Downloads” section.

Original Post:

Stumbled on this earlier, but was in the middle of something, finally posting it now. It would have been late notice then, but now, oy…

Tuesday, November 10th, 10-11:30 a.m. at Brookings in DC there’s what looks to be a very interesting program about a new book, The Hidden People of North Korea: Everyday Life in the Hermit Kingdom, due out in a few weeks.

Kongdan Oh and Ralph Hassig are the book’s authors and will be there to talk about it.  I first heard of Ms. Oh a few months ago when Joshua pointed me to this must-read testimony of hers on the Songbun class system in North Korea.  The scholars’ first book on NK was North Korea through the Looking Glass and came out in 2000.

Roberta Cohen will also give remarks.


2 Responses

  1. Can you check to see if they are going to video it and put it on their website. I believe they do at times…