Korean-American Activist Crosses Into North Korea (Updated)

careuterscom.jpgOh God, not again.

Reuters is reporting that Robert Park, a 28 year-old American, has walked across the Tumen River from China to the North Korean town of Hoeryong, which is infamous for being both the birthplace of Kim Jong Il’s mother and the town nearest to Camp 22. Park’s apparent objectives were (1) to get himself arrested and (2) thereby raise global attention about North Korea’s brutal political prison camps. Rest assured that Park will accomplish Objective Number One. The North Korean soldiers who arrested Laura Ling and Euna Lee in March are still being lauded as heroes.

The North Koreans have yet to confirm that they have Park in custody.

Park was known, but not well known, among American activists working to bring attention to North Korean human rights issues, help North Korean refugees, and pressure North Korea and the governments that sustain it with aid. Fellow activists who’ve e-mailed me in the last several hours describe Park as something of a fringe figure someone who orbited around them, but whose views were neither influential nor particularly well known to many of them. If Park was plugged into any activist organization, it must have been South Korean. Yet Park obviously wasn’t acting completely alone, and this stunt appears to have been premeditated:

Activists told Reuters that Robert Park, 28, had crossed into North Korea from China on Friday, while South Korea’s Yonhap news agency and the Kukmin Ilbo newspaper quoted activists who went with him to the border as saying he had crossed at a sparsely patrolled point near the northeast border city of Hoeryong.

Park was quoted by activists who went with the border as shouting when he went across: “I am an American citizen. I am bringing God’s love. God loves you.” The activists asked not to be named due to security concerns.

Park told to Reuters in Seoul earlier this week that he saw it as his duty as a Christian to make the journey and did not want the U.S. government to try to free him. “I don’t want President Obama to come and pay to get me out. But I want the North Korean people to be free,” Park said on Wednesday before departing for China.

“Until the concentration camps are liberated, I do not want to come out. If I have to die with them, I will. (For) these innocent men, women and children, as Christians, we need to take the cross for them. The cross means that we sacrifice our lives for the redemption of others,” he said. [Reuters, Jon Herskovitz]

You’re on your own making sense of that one. Obviously, Park willfully confronted a grave risk, and it’s entirely possible he won’t come back from North Korea for a very long time, if ever. He doesn’t want to be ransomed out, and I hope (but doubt) there will be general agreement that he shouldn’t be. Yet given the amount of criticism heaped on Laura Ling and Euna Lee, Park will probably draw much harsher criticism and evoke less sympathy. If Park’s goal was to strike a blow against the North Korean regime, it’s far more likely that he’ll end up being traded back to a tool like Bill Richardson for a ransom paid in the form of money, diplomatic concessions, and political legitimacy. The only winners will be North Korea’s most opportunistic apologists in America and Kim Jong Il, who will again show everyone how magnanimous he can be toward our foolish children … for the right price. Park’s stunt will assuredly set back the very cause he claims to want to advance.

Some links in Korean here and here.

I’ve posted a copy of what’s purported to be Park’s statement below the fold.

Update: The description of Park’s bizarre behavior as he crossed the border further calls into question just what he hoped to accomplish, and whether that hope is remotely realistic.

A 29-year-old American Christian, claiming God showed him a vision of North Korea’s liberation and redemption, has entered the country to urge leader Kim Jong-Il to repent, activists said Saturday. Robert Park, a US citizen of Korean ancestry, crossed the frozen Tumen River from China and walked into the North without permission on Christmas Day, they said.

“While crossing the frozen river in a snowstorm, Park shouted loud, saying “ËœI’m a US citizen, I came here to proclaim God’s love’,” a colleague of Park’s told AFP, quoting others who saw Park cross the border. “But all were silent on the other side of the river. We assume he was arrested by North Korean border guards there. But we don’t know about his fate,” he said on condition of anonymity.

Park, a self-proclaimed seer and activist, is a leader of an international campaign for North Korean human rights called “Freedom and Life For All North Koreans: 2009,” his colleague said. The group describes itself as a worldwide coalition of Christian ministries and activists working to promote human rights in the North.

Park reportedly carried a letter addressed to Kim and other leaders calling on them to repent. “I proclaim Christ’s love and forgiveness towards you today. God promises mercy and clemency for those who repent,” Park said in the letter, which was made public Saturday. “He loves you and wants to save you and all of North Korea today,” he said.

US embassy officials said they had no information on the reported incident. [AFP]

There are many brave Christian activists who risk lengthy terms in Chinese prisons to help guide North Korean refugees to safety, smuggle Bibles into North Korea, support its underground house churches, and propagate the blasphemy that there are gods greater than Kim Jong Il (a particularly worthy one is Helping Hands Korea). Those groups are doing much to help North Korea’s most vulnerable people and subvert its brutal system from the bottom up. One of those activists, Steve Kim, recently spent four years in a Chinese prison for sheltering North Korean refugees. Park, by contrast, seems to be one whose madness happened to find a vehicle in religion.

As easy as it is for us to reject the ridiculous notion that this quixotic act might cause Kim Jong Il to repent and experience a religious conversion, Park’s madness is only a few degrees removed from our foreign policy establishment’s faith that the right Special Envoy can inspire Kim Jong Il to repent and experience a diplomatic conversion. Scratch almost anyone in the State Department’s East Asia Bureau today and there’s a Robert Park who thinks that he’s The One who can do it. No doubt, as we speak, junior and has-been diplomats all along the Eastern Seaboard are imagining themselves escorting Robert Park up the steps of a charter flight at Sunan Airport, having left behind enough ransom aid to run a small concentration camp for years.

Here’s Robert Park’s manifesto:

To Mr. Kim Jong Il and North Korea’s Leaders:

I proclaim Christ’s love and forgiveness towards you today. God promises mercy and clemency for those who repent. He promises forgiveness for every sin and re-birth through the Holy Spirit for those who believe Christ died for the atonement of all their sins, as a sacrifice from God, given in love. He is the true and living God. He loves you and wants to save you and all of North Korea today. Please open your borders so that we may bring food, provisions, medicine, necessities, and assistance to those who are struggling to survive.. Please close down all concentration camps and release all political prisoners today, and allow care teams to enter to minister healing to those who have been tortured and traumatized.

All we are asking is for all North Koreans to be free, safe and have life.

With Love, Respect and Goodwill Towards All People,
> Robert Park
> 12/25/2009
> 1) Vision Concerning Korea
> On July 27th, 2009, “The Global Day of Repentance and Prayer for an Unified Korea”, God gave a vision and instruction concerning the necessity for mass, united demonstrations to arise for North Korean Liberation and Human Rights He revealed in the days which followed that through a constant, united, mass demonstrative movement;
> 1) There would be Liberation and Redemption for the North Korean People (Including An International Movement of Compensation and Re-imbursement for Immeasurable Loss and Suffering)
> 2) Korea would be Unified (With Worldwide Support)
> 3) The Unified Korea will become truly Emancipated (freed from the influence/control of other nations)
> 4) There will be Profound Reconciliation between North and South Koreans (as a result of South Koreans demonstrating sacrificially and unitedly for their North Korean brothers and sisters)
> 2) Freedom and Life for All North Koreans: 2009
> An estimated 7,000,000 people are starving to death right now in North Korea…
> Virtually nothing is being done for these people…
> An unknown number (at least 250,000) are dying in concentration camps of the most horrifying brutality and torture in North Korea right now having committed no crime…
> Virtually nothing is being done to save their lives…
> By murder rate (an estimated 1,000 persons everyday), the North Korean human rights crisis and genocide is the worst in the world today and demands immediate intervention…
> Yet somehow there has been no action from the United Nations and International Criminal Court to indict Kim Jong Il’s regime of genocide and crimes against humanity…
> The silence of the international community and responsible governments (America, China, Russia, South Korea and Japan) is heartbreaking and appalling…
> In September of 1989 protests and demonstrations began which led to the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the unification of Germany…
> On the 20th anniversary of these demonstrations, people from all over the world will begin unceasing demonstrations and protests which will lead to Korea’s unification.
> Please join the global movement to demand freedom and life for all North Koreans.
> — Contact television, print and radio media in your area and country, imploring them to raise awareness about the North Korean human rights crisis.
> — Volunteer to be a coordinator or worker in your area to raise awareness and organize demonstrations for the liberation of North Koreans.
> — Let us know if we can help you connect with others committed to human rights for all North Koreans in your area, to work together.
> — Be a part of the greatest demonstration in Korea’s history, forcing the liberation of all North Koreans and facilitating Korea’s unification… NOW.
> To the Leaders of Korea, America, China, Russia, Japan, the United Nations and the International Community,
> We Refuse to Allow the North Korean Holocaust to Continue Any Longer. Over 4,000,000 Innocent North Koreans have been Murdered by Kim Jong-Il’s regime since 1995, and an estimated 1,000,000 North Koreans have been Murdered as a result of Slave Labor, Rape, Torture, Starvation and Execution in North Korea’s Political Concentration Camps. The Very Existence of these Concentration Camps makes the North Korean State Illegal, Illegitimate, and Criminal, and Demands The Immediate Intervention of the International Community.
> Our Demands, based upon the foundation of International Law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are as follows:
> 1) The Immediate and Total Liberation of All North Korean Political Concentration Camps
> 2) Compensation and Re-imbursement to All North Korean Victims of Slavery, Starvation, Torture, All Concentration Camp Survivors and North Korean People for Immeasurable Loss and Suffering
> 3) The Immediate Stepping Down from Power of Kim Jong-Il and North Korea’s Leaders
> 4) The Immediate Stepping Down from Power of All Government Leaders in South Korea Who Have Been Accomplice to, Allied With, or Supporting Kim Jong-Il’s Genocidal State
> Freedom and Life For All North Koreans: 2009, A Worldwide Coalition of North Korean Human Rights Groups, Ministries and Activists
> ê¹â‚¬Ã¬ â€¢Ã¬¼ 북í•œ 노ëâ„¢Ã«â€¹¹ 총ë¹â€žÃ¬â€žÅ“와 북í•œ ì§â‚¬Ã«â€žÃ¬Å¾Ã«“¤Ã¬–Ãª²Å’:
> ì â‚¬Ã«Å ” 오늘 당신들ìâ€ž 향í•œ 예수님ìËœ 사ëž‘ê³¼ 용ì„œ를 선포합니다. 하나님ìâ‚¬ 회ê°Å“하는 자얐ê²Å’는 자ë¹â€žÃ«¡Å“우ì‹œ고 ê´â‚¬Ã«Å’€í•˜ì‹­Ã«â€¹Ë†Ã«â€¹¤. 하나님ê»ËœÃ¬â€žÅ“는 인ê°â€žÃ¬Ëœ ì£â€žÃ«¥¼ 대속하기 위í•´ 예수 그리스ëâ€žÃª»ËœÃ¬â€žÅ“ 오셨다는 ê²Æ’ê³¼ 자신ìËœ ì£â€žÃ«¥¼ 구속하기 위í•´ ëÅ’ì•„ê°â‚¬Ã¬â€¦¨Ã«â€¹¤Ã«Å ” ê²Æ’ìâ€ž 믿는 자들ë§Ë†Ã«â€¹¤ 그들ìËœ 모ë“  ì£â€žÃ«¥¼ 용ì„œ해 주ì‹œ고 성령으ë¡Å“ 거듭나ê²Å’ 하신다ê³  약속하셨습니다. 주님ìâ‚¬ 당신ìâ€ž 사랑하시고 오늘 당신ê³¼ 북í•œ 인민들ìâ€ž 구원하시기 원하십니다. 죽어ê°â‚¬Ã«Å ” 북í•œ 인민들ìâ€ž 살릴 식량, ìËœÃ¬â€¢½Ã­’ˆ, 생필품등ê³¼ 살기위해 몸ë¶â‚¬Ã«¦¼Ã¬¹ËœÃ«Å ” 사람들ìâ€ž ëâ€žÃ¬â„¢â‚¬Ã¬¤â€ž 물품들ìâ€ž ê°â‚¬Ã¬§â‚¬Ãª³  들어ê°Ë† 수 있ëâ€žÃ«¡ 국경ìËœ 문ìâ€ž 어ì–´ 주십ì‹œ오.. 그리ê³  모ë“  ì â€¢Ã¬¹ËœÃ«²” 수용소를 폐쇄시키ê³  ì â€¢Ã¬¹ËœÃ«²”들ìâ€ž 석방í•´ 주ì‹œ기 바랍니다. 그래서 각ì¢â€¦ 고문ê³¼ 상ì²ËœÃ¬Å¾â€¦Ã¬â‚¬ 사람들ìâ€ž ì¹ËœÃ¬Å“ Ã­â€¢ËœÃª³  ëâ€žÃ¬â„¢â‚¬Ã¬¤â€ž 사얭íŒۓ´ 들어ê°Ë† 수 있ëâ€žÃ«¡ 했락í•´ 주ì‹œ기 바랍니다.
> 우리ê°â‚¬ 원하는 ê²Æ’ìâ‚¬ 단ì§â‚¬ 모ë“  북í•œ 사람들이 자유롭ê³  안ì â€žÃ­â€¢Å“ 생ëªâ€¦Ã¬â€ž 누리는 ê²Æ’입니다.
> 모ë“  북í•œ인민들얐ê²Å’ 사ëž‘ê³¼ 존경ê³¼ 우ì â€¢Ã¬â€ž 보내면ì„œ,
> ë¡Å“ë²â€žÃ­Å ¸ ë°â€¢
> 12/25/2009
> 1. 한국ìâ€ž 향í•œ ë¹â€žÃ¬ ¼
> ì§â‚¬Ã«â€šÅ“ 2009 ë…„ 7ì›”27일, 통일 한국ìâ€ž 향í•œ ì â€žÃ¬â€ž¸Ãª³â€ž 기ëâ€žÃ¬â„¢â‚¬ 회ê°Å“ìËœ 날얐 주님ìâ‚¬ ì Å“ê²Å’ 북í•œìËœ 자유와 인ê¶Å’ìâ€ž 위한 얰합ì‹œ위와 대ê·Å“모 ì§â€˜Ã­Å¡Å’를 ì–´ 필요성ìâ€ž ë¹â€žÃ¬ ¼Ã¬â€ž 통í•´ 일깨워 주셨습니다. 하나님ìâ‚¬ ì§â‚¬Ã¬â€ Ã¬ Ã¬´Ãª³  얰합ëÅ“ ì§â€˜Ã­Å¡Å’와 대ê·Å“모 시위를 통í•´ 일어ë‚  다ìÅ’ê³¼ ê°â„¢Ã¬â‚¬ 일들ìâ€ž 보ì–¬ 주셨습니다.
> 1) 북í•œ 인민들얐ê²Å’ 해방ê³¼ 구원이 있ìâ€ž ê²Æ’이다. (그ê²Æ’ìâ‚¬ 극심í•œ 육체적인 고통ê³¼ 상ì²ËœÃ«“¤Ã¬â€ž 보상해ì¤â€ž 국ì Å“ 단체ë¡Å“ë¶â‚¬Ã­â€ž° 피í•´ 보상ëâ€ž 포함될 ê²Æ’입니다)
> 2) 국ì Å“적인 ì§â‚¬Ã¬§â‚¬Ã«¥¼ ìž…ì–´ 한국ìâ‚¬ 통일 될 ê²Æ’이다.
> 3) 통일 한국ìâ‚¬ ëªâ€¦Ã¬â€¹¤Ãª³µÃ­Å¾Ë† 자유ë¡Å“ìš´ 나라ê°â‚¬ 될 ê²Æ’인데 주ë³â‚¬ 나라들ë¡Å“ë¶â‚¬Ã­â€ž° 영향ìâ€ž ë°â€ºÃ¬§â‚¬ 않는 ì§â€žÃ¬ â€¢Ã­â€¢Å“ 통일ìâ€ž 이룰 ê²Æ’이다.
> 4) 남ê³¼ 북이 ì§â€žÃ¬ â€¢Ã¬Å“¼Ã«¡Å“ 화해하ë©° 하나ê°â‚¬ 될 ê²Æ’이다. (그ê²Æ’ìâ‚¬ 남쪽ìËœ 형ì Å“자매들ìËœ ëâ„¢Ã­¬Ã¬â€¢ Ã¬  햌신ìâ€ž 통해ì„œ 이루어ì§Ë† ê²Æ’이다.)
> 2. 북í•œ 인민ìËœ 자유와 생ëªâ€¦: 2009
> 약 7백ë§Å’ëªâ€¦Ã¬Ëœ 북í•œ 주민들이 ì§â‚¬Ãª¸Ë† 굶주림얐 죽어ê°â‚¬Ãª³  있습니다.
> 사실상 이들ìâ€ž 위í•´ 아무ê²Æ’ëâ€ž 취해ì§â€ž ê²Æ’이 얆습니다.
> 또 ì§â‚¬Ãª¸Ë† 수 ë§Å½Ã¬â‚¬ (적어ëâ€ž 25ë§Å’ëªâ€¦ 이상) 무고í•œ 북í•œ인민들이 공포와 야ë§Å’적인 고문으ë¡Å“ 인í•´ 북í•œìËœ ì â€¢Ã¬¹ËœÃ«²” 수용소얐ì„œ 죽어ê°â‚¬Ãª³  있습니다.
> 이들ìËœ 생ëªâ€¦Ã¬â€ž 살리기 위í•´ 아무ê²Æ’ëâ€ž 행해ì§â€ž ê²Æ’ëâ€ž 얆습니다.
> 살인ì§â‚¬Ã¬Ë†ËœÃ«¡Å“ 본다ê³  해ëâ€ž (매 일 약 ì²Å“ëªâ€¦Ãª¼´) 북í•œìËœ 취약í•œ 인ê¶Å’ìËœ 위기와 인ì¢â€¦Ã«§Ã¬â€š´ 행위는 오늘 ë‚  ì â€ž 세ê³â€žÃ¬–Ã¬â€žÅ“ ê°â‚¬Ã¬Å¾¥ ì•…ëâ€¦Ã­â€¢ËœÃ«©° ì¦â€°Ãª°Ã¬ Ã¬¸ ê°Å“입이 ì Ë†Ã¬â€¹¤Ã­â€¢©Ã«â€¹Ë†Ã«â€¹¤. 그러나 유ì–”이나 국ì Å“사ë²â€¢ 재판소얐ì„œ는 이런 ê¹â‚¬Ã¬ â€¢Ã¬¼Ã¬â€ž 인ë¥ËœÃ¬Ëœ ë²”ì£â€žÃ¬¸Ã¬Å“¼Ã«¡Å“나 살인자ë¡Å“ 기소할 기미ê°â‚¬ ì â€žÃ­Ëœâ‚¬ 보이ì§â‚¬ 않습니다.
> 국ì Å“사회와 소위 미êµ­, ì¤â€˜Ãªµ­, 러ì‹œ아, 한국 및 일본등, ì±â€¦Ã¬Å¾â€žÃ¬Å¾Ë†Ã«Å ” ì â€¢Ã«¶â‚¬Ã«¼Ã«Å ” 이들ìËœ 침묵ìâ‚¬ ê°â‚¬Ã¬Å ´Ã¬´ 섬뜩하ê³  아프ê²Å’ 합니다.
> 1989ë…„ 9월얐 있ì–ˆëËœ ëâ€¦Ã¬¼Ã¬Ëœ 군ì¤â€˜Ã¬â€¹Å“위는 베를린 장벽ìËœ ë¶â€¢Ãª´´Ã«¥¼ 이ëÅ’얈고 ê¸â€°Ãª¸°Ã¬â€¢¼ ëâ€¦Ã¬¼Ã¬Ëœ 통일ìâ€ž ê°â‚¬Ã¬ ¸Ã¬â„¢”습니다.
> 이 군ì¤â€˜Ã¬â€¹Å“위 20주ë…„ìâ€ž ë§Å¾Ã¬´Ã­â€¢ËœÃ¬–¬ 세ê³â€ž 각국ìËœ 인민들이 모얬ì„œ ì§â‚¬Ã¬â€ Ã¬ Ã¬Å“¼Ã«¡Å“ 시위를 이ëÅ’어ì¤â‚¬Ã«â€¹¤Ã«©´ 한국ìËœ 통일ìâ€ž ê°â‚¬Ã¬ ¸Ã¬Ëœ¬ 수 있ìâ€ž ê²Æ’입니다.
> 얬러ë¶â€žÃ«â€ž 북í•œ 주민ìËœ 자유와 생ëªâ€¦Ã¬â€ž 위한 ì â€ž 세ê³â€žÃ¬ Ã¬¸ 운ëâ„¢Ã¬– 참얬í•´ 주ì‹œ기를 ë¶â‚¬Ã­Æ’Ã«“ϑ¦½Ã«â€¹Ë†Ã«â€¹¤.
> – 얬러ë¶â€žÃ¬´ 살고있는 ì§â‚¬Ã¬–­Ã¬Ëœ TV방송êµ­, 신문사, 방송국등얐 북í•œ 인민들ìËœ 어ì•…í•œ 인ê¶Å’ 위기를 알리ê³  홍보í•´ 주ì‹œ기 바랍니다.
> – 북í•œìËœ 자유를 위í•´ 얬러ë¶â€žÃ¬´ 살고있는 ì§â‚¬Ã¬–­Ã¬–Ã¬â€žÅ“ 시위를 조직하ê³  이웃들얐ê²Å’ 알리는 선ë´â€°Ã¬Å¾¥Ã¬´ ëËœÃ¬â€“´ 주ì‹œ기 바랍니다.
> – 주위얐ì„œ 얬러ë¶â€žÃª³¼ 함ê»Ëœ 일하고자 하는 사람들ê³¼ 얰결ëËœÃª¸°Ã«¥¼ 원하시면 알려 주십ì‹œ오. ëâ€žÃ¬â„¢â‚¬ ë“ϑ¦¬Ãª² Ã¬Å µÃ«â€¹Ë†Ã«â€¹¤.
> – í•œë°ËœÃ«â€žÃ¬Ëœ 통일ìâ€ž 앞당기ê³  북í•œ 인민ìâ€ž 자유롭ê²Å’ í•  수 있는 한국 얭사얐 ê°â‚¬Ã¬Å¾¥ 위대한 민ì¤â€˜Ã¬â€¹Å“위얐 ì§â‚¬Ãª¸Ë† 참얬í•´ 주ì‹œ기 바랍니다.
> 3) 세ê³â€ž ì§â‚¬Ã«â€žÃ¬Å¾Ã«“¤Ã¬–Ãª²Å’ 보내는 편ì§â‚¬
> 한국, 미êµ­, ì¤â€˜Ãªµ­, 일본ìËœ 영ëâ€žÃ¬Å¾Ã«“¤Ãª³¼ 유ì–” 및 국ì Å“ 사회ìËœ ì§â‚¬Ã«â€žÃ¬Å¾Ã«“¤Ã¬–Ãª²Å’,
> 우리는 북í•œ얐ì„œ 더 이상ìËœ 민족학살이 자í–‰ëËœÃ«Å ” ê²Æ’ìâ€ž 묵과í•  수 얆습니다. 1995ë…„ 이래 4백ë§Å’ìËœ 북í•œ 인민들이 ê¹â‚¬Ã¬ â€¢Ã¬¼ ì â€¢Ãª¶Å’얐 ìËœÃ­â€¢´ 학살ëËœÃ¬–ˆìœ¼Ã«©°, 백ë§Å’ëªâ€¦ 이상ìËœ 인민들이 ì â€¢Ã¬¹ËœÃ«²” 수용소얐ì„œ ê°â€¢Ã¬ Å“ 노ëâ„¢Ãª³¼, ê°â€¢Ãª°â€ž, 고문, 기ì•„ 및 ì²ËœÃ­Ëœâ€¢Ã¬– ìËœÃ­â€¢´ 살해ëËœÃ¬–ˆìŠµÃ«â€¹Ë†Ã«â€¹¤. 이런 극악무ëâ€žÃ­â€¢Å“ 수용소ìËœ 존재는 북í•œì â€¢Ãª¶Å’이 ë¶Ë†Ã«²â€¢Ã¬ Ã¬´Ãª³  ë²”ì£â€žÃ¬ Ã¬´Ã«©° 결ì½” 용납될 수 얆다는 ê²Æ’ìâ€ž 보얬주ë©° 이는 ì¦â€°Ãª°Ã¬ Ã¬¸ 국ì Å“사회ìËœ ê°Å“ìž…ìâ€ž í•„ìš”ë¡Å“ 합니다.
> 우리들ìâ‚¬ 국ì Å“ë²â€¢Ãª³¼ 우주적인 인ê¶Å’선언얐 근거하ì–¬ 다ìÅ’ê³¼ ê°â„¢Ã¬´ 요구합니다.
> 1) ì¦â€°Ãª°Ã¬ Ã¬´Ãª³  ì â€žÃ¬ Ã¬¸ 북í•œ ì â€¢Ã¬¹ËœÃ«²” 수용소ìËœ 폐쇠를 요구합니다.
> 2) 노예와 ê°â„¢Ã¬´ 굶주림ê³¼ 고문등얐 희생ëÅ“ 모ë“  북í•œ인민들ê³¼ ì â€¢Ã¬¹ËœÃ«²” 수용소얐ì„œ 살ì•„ 남ìâ‚¬ 북í•œ인민들얐ê²Å’ 그들ìËœ 고통ê³¼ 상ì²ËœÃ«“¤Ã¬â€ž 보상하ê³  ì¹ËœÃ¬Å“ Ã­â€¢´Ã¬£¼Ãª¸¸ 요구합니다.
> 3) ê¹â‚¬Ã¬ â€¢Ã¬¼Ãª³¼ 그ìËœ 추ì¢â€¦Ã¬Å¾Ã«“¤Ã¬â‚¬ ì¦â€°Ãª°Ã¬ Ã¬Å“¼Ã«¡Å“ ê¶Å’ì¢Å’얐ì„œ 내려올 ê²Æ’ìâ€ž 요구합니다.
> ì â€ž 북í•œ인민ìËœ 자유와 생ëªâ€¦: 2009,
> ì â€ž 세ê³â€ž 북í•œ 인ê¶Å’단ì²´, 인ê¶Å’운ëâ„¢Ãª°â‚¬ 및 선교단ì²´ 얰í•©


12 Responses

  1. The shrewdest thing NK could do is get him on a plane and dump him back in Beijing with as little fuss as possible.

  2. Chinese media (including websites accessible in China such as DailyNK Chinese and Chosun Ilbo Chinese) is mum on this story. Nothing from the Foreign Ministry, either, and unlikely to be in the next few days. If Park would have gone a day earlier, he would at least have forced a comment from the PRC Foreign Ministry.

    China absolutely doesn’t want to deal with this now, but that’s what they get for not reinforcing the border. It’s an embarassment and a sideshow for the broader Sino-North Korean relationship; if anything, Robert Park’s leap of faith is going to force Xi Jinping and the CCP to walk back (internally, that is) their recent suggestions (which pressured NK) that they were open to dealing with cross-border refugees via international law.

    How this acts to reinforce or derail the rapproachment track for US-NK relations is anyone’s guess. In the meantime, heaven only knows where they are taking Mr. Park. If his actions thus far succeed in focusing attention on the broader issues rather than his own mental state, then perhaps something positive can come out of this. But from the Chinese standpoint, once Robert Park _is_ discussed in the media or on BBS boards, it’s far more likely that he will be depicted as another American disrespectful of China’s laws and territorial integrity rather than as a principled man whose convictions need to be deeply thought upon.

  3. The most charitable explanation is that the horror-show that is North Korea sent this sensitive young man around the bend. Let’s hope we don’t send Bill Clinton back to kiss KJI’s ring again, though.

  4. Worse, in the sense that there’s simply no reasonably attainable benefit to accompany the cost of what this guy did. Had Ling and Lee not crossed the border, they’d at least have brought back a story.

    Not worse, in the sense that he’s clearly not all there, which may make him more an object of pity than anger.

  5. Joshua, I am disappointed in your cynical commentary about Bob Park’s apparently sincere quest to obey God as he understands Him. It is Christmas/Channukah, no?

    You completely miss what is really happening here: a bold summons to the North Korean underground Church to take courage.

    When we invaded Iraq in 2003, I had the privilege of working closely with Iraq’s minority Christian community in Baghdad. They had no idea what people outside Iraq thought about them or if other Christians knew they were there at all. It was a great boost to their morale to learn that people around the world did care – and were willing to help.

    Regardless of the appearance of Robert Park’s incursion into the DPRK, his actions will attract international media attention and the Norks will find out about it, and not just the KCNA version. The underground Church will be emboldened by his audacity, and this can only bode well for Noth Koreans.

    The more the underground Church feels supported by forces outside North Korea, the weaker the regime’s stranglehold on the impoverished people. While some may mock Bob Park’s faith and actions, we need to realize that other people of like deep and sincere faith will take courage from his bold foray into the hell hole that is the DPRK.

  6. So now the video of Robert is being offered to the media for 100,000,000 won! But hey! It’s a bargain, since it started off at 200! Yeah, way to go guys, that’s gonna make this whole saga look much better.

    I hope Robert knew you were gonna try that stunt; it’s his life on the line here. Perhaps when you sell it, you can wire the cash directly to Bill Richardson, because let’s face it, it probably isn’t gonna be free to get that clown out again.

    Bad to more bad. I’m saving worse for later.

  7. I don’t think we can compare this to what happened with Euna Lee and Laura Ling. Robert Park went across the border with clear intentions of being arrested and being taken to the concentration camps.

    During the early abolitionist movements Christians sold themselves into slavery as both a form of protest and also to show love to the slaves. I feel that Robert Park is following this model.

    What is sad is that no one else, including myself, is courageous enough to follow him. If even 10 people followed it would become an international incident.

  8. My wife Stella & I are from Wales, UK, but have lived in the Boston area for 30 years.
    Four months ago we moved back to LLanover, Wales to renovate the boyhood home of Robert Jermain Thomas, who was the first Protestant Christian martyr in Korea. Thomas was executed in Pyongyang by the Taewungun, Korean Leader, in 1886.My wife has researched & written the account of his brief life in her book entitled “Chosen for Choson” {The old name for the “Hermit Kingdom” of Korea}. The knowledge of Thomas’ life & passion for Korea impelled us to learn more about this country. As a result I had a desire to follow in Thomas’ footsteps and also reach out to the people he loved. I have visited North Korea on 2 occasions in the last 3 years as part of a medical mission to build bridges of relationship with the doctors of North Korea & to assist in updating their medical knowledge as they seek to care for their own people. It was a delight to my soul to visit Suk Island,in the Taedong River, the place where Thomas was executed.
    I have learned to respect the many Korean doctors I have worked alongside. There are great needs in North Korea. My wife & I want to assist in bringing positive change whenever we are able.
    I am 65 years of age & have been a Family and Emergency Room Physician for 40 years. In recent years, and since retiring from my practice I have undertaken voluntary emergency medical relief in many regions of the world including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Kosovo, Congo, United Arab Emirates and also here in USA after the Louisiana hurricanes.
    As I have learned about the history of the Korean people, I have a great respect of the fearlessness of many as they have suffered persecution for their faith. I have stayed at the leprosarium in Aeyunwan, S.Korea and visited the tomb of Pastor Sohn, who had taken the murderer of his own sons into his home.He was later executed as a result of the act of love……. “No greater love for one’s fellow human being can be shown”.
    Similarly I love and respect the actions of my friend Robert Park, who recently carried the Christian message of love & forgiveness to Kim Jong Il and the leaders of North Korea. What a great blessing it would be to World Peace if he was well received and his desire to bring good was publicly acknowledged. He was bringing a message of “Love & Life” ……with the ever present risk of losing his own life……..not like the deluded religious fanatic who recently tried to blow up an airplane & kill hundreds in Detroit.
    Our story is not yet over as we have much work to do in welcoming the hundreds of Korean Christians who come to Wales to thank God for Thomas’ life & self sacrifice in bringing the Gospel to Korea. I believe also that our work in North Korea has only just begun and is an expression of our solidarity with our Korean brothers & sisters in their quest to bring hope & healing to the Korean Peninsula.
    Stephen Price

  9. Stephen Price, thank you for your inspiring example of Christian love and missionary spirit. Many thanks also to your bride for the work she has done to preserve the memory of Robert J. Thomas.

    As a Roman Catholic living in Korea, I have been moved by the many Catholic martyrs who built the beachhead here in Asia for Christian faith. Most prominently is Saint Andrew Kim Taegon, the first ethnic Korean Catholic priest who was tortured and martyred for our Blessed Lord in the 19th century. Father Andrew is the Patron Saint of Korea.

    Some on this blog scoff at the fervor and commitment of Korea’s Christian missionary enterprise and doubt the impact the Christians have on North Korea, especially the underground church and railroad. Your words give me encouragement – and I am sure other readers of One Free Korea blog will also take courage from your testimony and endorsement of Robert Park’s intrepid proclamation to the suffering people of the DPRK.

    When it is all said and done, more will have been done by the praying people of Korea and their brethren around the world who are praying down the walls that separate the two Koreas and bind the suffering people of North Korea in the coerced facade that is Juche.

  10. 로버트박씨의 기사를 보았습니다.
    너무 가슴이 아프네요.. 로버트 박 청년의 현재 어려움보다 그의 부모님이 참 걱정됩니다.
    부끄럽지만, 저는 정치적 운동이나 종교에 별다른 관심이 없는 사람입니다만
    이번 일을 언론에서 접하면서 로버트씨의 용기에 너무 놀랐습니다. 뜻은 위대하지만
    나라를 사랑하는 만큼 본인도 잘 추스리고, 부모님도 생각하시길…
    내가 있어야 북한의 자유도 외칠수 있는 것 아니겠습니까
    ì•„.. 부모님들 너무 가슴아프시겠어요…어떻게요..부모님들 힘내시길 너무 바래요..
    반드시 좋은 소식 있기를 기다리겠습니다.
    북한 주민들도 로버트 박도, 같은 동포로써 아무런 도움이 되지 못하는
    나약한 제 모습이 부끄럽고 죄송스럽습니다.
    부디 몸 보전하시고요, 잘 귀환하시길 기도합니다.