Home > China / Diplomacy / Six-Party Talks Christopher Hill making sense No, really. You’ll be as amazed as I was. Share 0 Tweet 0 reddit 0 Email 0Shares 2 Responses Comments 2 Pingbacks 0 fraudulent political opportunist whose arguments go along with wherever the winds flow, including a rhetorical commitment to humanitarian concerns kim jong il may be dead, but kim jong hill is still parasitically latching on Prev Post On Kim Jong Il’s legacy and North Korea’s future Next Post Kim Jong Eun’s Reign Will Be Unmercifully Brief
fraudulent political opportunist whose arguments go along with wherever the winds flow, including a rhetorical commitment to humanitarian concerns
fraudulent political opportunist whose arguments go along with wherever the winds flow, including a rhetorical commitment to humanitarian concerns
kim jong il may be dead, but kim jong hill is still parasitically latching on