Home > WTF? Caption This Picture From here; hat tip to a reader and friend. Share 0 Tweet 0 reddit 0 Email 0Shares 14 Responses Comments 14 Pingbacks 0 Let the “fan death” jokes begin! And I like the fact that one of the four electric lights isn’t working. Obligatory Star Trek reference: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAdGhMRBbzY “THERE … ARE … FOUR … LIGHTS!” And I like the fact that one of the four electric lights isn’t working. It will be turned on when the fourth generation of the almighty Kims takes over the Great Juche Paradise. North Korea’s latest attempt to disguise a high-temperature nuclear facility The Great leader has fans that look up to him My submission: “The late Kim Jong Il parades before his two largest fans” Every picture tells a story, dont it? “Even the Great Leader’s electrical subjects find themselves enamored with his ebulliant charisma.” The Youth General’s biggest fans. Sorry. Won’t do it again. “I’d like to thank my many fans…” ————– I know, not original. North Korea independently invents domestic inflatable waver with native Juche technology. Said a fan of Kim Il Sung to a fan of Kim Jong Il: “Is that a vibrator that I see on the wall before me?” Juche is HOT! The shit nears the fan Prev Post Anju, April 25, 2012 Next Post Anju, April 27, 2012
Let the “fan death” jokes begin! And I like the fact that one of the four electric lights isn’t working.
Obligatory Star Trek reference: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAdGhMRBbzY “THERE … ARE … FOUR … LIGHTS!”
And I like the fact that one of the four electric lights isn’t working. It will be turned on when the fourth generation of the almighty Kims takes over the Great Juche Paradise.
Said a fan of Kim Il Sung to a fan of Kim Jong Il: “Is that a vibrator that I see on the wall before me?”
Let the “fan death” jokes begin!
And I like the fact that one of the four electric lights isn’t working.
Obligatory Star Trek reference:
It will be turned on when the fourth generation of the almighty Kims takes over the Great Juche Paradise.
North Korea’s latest attempt to disguise a high-temperature nuclear facility
The Great leader has fans that look up to him
My submission: “The late Kim Jong Il parades before his two largest fans”
Every picture tells a story, dont it?
“Even the Great Leader’s electrical subjects find themselves enamored with his ebulliant charisma.”
The Youth General’s biggest fans.
Sorry. Won’t do it again.
“I’d like to thank my many fans…”
I know, not original.
North Korea independently invents domestic inflatable waver with native Juche technology.
Said a fan of Kim Il Sung to a fan of Kim Jong Il: “Is that a vibrator that I see on the wall before me?”
Juche is HOT!
The shit nears the fan