Sure, he’s shooting a lot more people, but their widows have cuter shoes!

ABC’s Joohee Choe has written the single dumbest, most superficial thing about North Korea ever to dress itself in drag as journalism.

Attempting to forge a new image for himself and his country, North Korea’s youthful supreme leader Kim Jong Un is allowing women to wear pants, platform shoes and earrings, making more mobile phones available, endorsing previously banned foods like pizza, French fries and hamburgers — and he’s giving kids free trips to zoos and amusement parks.

The 20-something leader’s focus has been on the younger generation. Following in the footsteps of his late grandfather, the country’s founder Kim Il Sung, he has announcing plans to create a “children’s heaven nation.”

“It’s all part of his image making to imitate a warm, fatherly impression like his grandfather,” said Dong Yong-Sueng, North Korea specialist at Samsung Economic Research Institute.

I mean, seriously … for fuck’s sake.  What background research did she do about North Korea, or about what Kim Jong Un has done in the last six months, that she didn’t read on TMZ?


13 Responses

  1. I just got done reading this article to and had to roll my eyes as well. If Kim Jong-un really wanted to forge a new image he could start by making sure his people have enough food to eat and closes the camps.

  2. You’re not actually considering that bint from ABC to be a serious journalist, are you?

  3. I’d assume TMZ had better coverage.

    Although I will give ABC credit, they had whatshisface who does that DPRK tech blog on their radio news coverage of the last satellite attempt.

  4. GI Korea, if Kim Jong-Un wants his people to have enough to eat and wants to close the camps, he’ll have to overthrow his own regime.

  5. I suppose you consider Fox News to be a much better informed and impartial source when it comes to the DPRK?

  6. lol Sneeze why you mad, bro? Didn’t get enough “on-the-spot-guidance” today?

  7. I thought the combo of Joohee Choe and ABC News sounded familiar, and sure enough in 2008 I blogged at TMH about a story she had written about adultery being “popular” in Korea. Looks like her journalism skills haven’t progressed at all.

  8. just saw this come down the wire services at work
    >WASHINGTON (AP) _ The U.S. is urging North Korea to respect intellectual property rights after an unauthorized stage performance of Disney characters at a concert for the reclusive country’s new young leader.
    >But State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell said Tuesday that since Washington does not have diplomatic relations with Pyongyang it could not raise the issue as it would in other countries.

    figured you’d get a kick out of it

  9. That whole article was such ridiculous bullshit. It sounded like a propaganda piece straight from Pyongyang.