Category: Uncategorized


Curb Your Enthusiasm: My pals on the neo-Right, of course, are beaming all over their faces. None of them is so dim as to think it’s game, set, and match in the Middle East, and they all have the phrase “there are many things that could still go wrong” set up as a macro on their word processors, but let me tell you, in private they are pretty darn cheerful. The phrase “irrational exuberance” comes to mind. —John Derbyshire, self-described...


Curb Your Enthusiasm: My pals on the neo-Right, of course, are beaming all over their faces. None of them is so dim as to think it’s game, set, and match in the Middle East, and they all have the phrase “there are many things that could still go wrong” set up as a macro on their word processors, but let me tell you, in private they are pretty darn cheerful. The phrase “irrational exuberance” comes to mind. —John Derbyshire, self-described...


South Korean Priorities: Eight North Koreans have entered the Japanese School in Beijing. Perhaps they’ll use more of that “quiet diplomacy” that’s evidently insufficient when it comes to two uninhabited, guano-encrusted islands that are halfway to Japan, or the novel question of just where the United States can send its own soldiers. Meanwhile, the South Korean Human Rights Commission is as vigilant as ever about everything else that can keep its staff of busybodies occupied without saving any actual humans....


North Korea Travelogue: I have strong reservations about encouraging anyone to travel to North Korea, but I also like reading what visitors have to tell about what they saw there. Ari has published an interesting travelogue, and has since blegged for a link, which he earned in my book by approaching his subject with appropriate skepticism, even if his conclusion don’t all match my own. Don’t miss his “Hotel California” vignette, or his observation that North Korea is whoring off...

Who Is Afraid of Liberation?

Yes, I think the triumphalism is premature, but optimism is another thing entirely. There are growing signs of uppitiness among the once-silent majority of the world’s ordinary people–those not represented in the coffeehouses of Brussels or in the General Assembly. There is nothing inevitable about the success of a revolution; the tyrants can delay the realization of those trends as long as they control the guns. But oppression inevitably breeds discontent and systemic inefficiencies. End caveat; pan to reality. Bloggers...


South Korean Priorities: Eight North Koreans have entered the Japanese School in Beijing. Perhaps they’ll use more of that “quiet diplomacy” that’s evidently insufficient when it comes to two uninhabited, guano-encrusted islands that are halfway to Japan, or the novel question of just where the United States can send its own soldiers. Meanwhile, the South Korean Human Rights Commission is as vigilant as ever about everything else that can keep its staff of busybodies occupied without saving any actual humans....


North Korea Travelogue: I have strong reservations about encouraging anyone to travel to North Korea, but I also like reading what visitors have to tell about what they saw there. Ari has published an interesting travelogue, and has since blegged for a link, which he earned in my book by approaching his subject with appropriate skepticism, even if his conclusion don’t all match my own. Don’t miss his “Hotel California” vignette, or his observation that North Korea is whoring off...

Who Is Afraid of Liberation?

Yes, I think the triumphalism is premature, but optimism is another thing entirely. There are growing signs of uppitiness among the once-silent majority of the world’s ordinary people–those not represented in the coffeehouses of Brussels or in the General Assembly. There is nothing inevitable about the success of a revolution; the tyrants can delay the realization of those trends as long as they control the guns. But oppression inevitably breeds discontent and systemic inefficiencies. End caveat; pan to reality. Bloggers...


GNP Infighting: There is a nascent movement to challenge South Korea’s chief paleocon, Park Gye-Heun Park Geun-Hye, for the party’s leadership. Better late than never. The GNP will never have a chance at the polls unless it breaks from its dictatorial past and its unprincipled stand on the issues. They can’t beat Uri unless they first win the fight for their own soul. More here, from Kim Dae-Joong (the columnist, not Kim Dae-Jung, the ex-Prez). I’m not a fan of...


GNP Infighting: There is a nascent movement to challenge South Korea’s chief paleocon, Park Gye-Heun Park Geun-Hye, for the party’s leadership. Better late than never. The GNP will never have a chance at the polls unless it breaks from its dictatorial past and its unprincipled stand on the issues. They can’t beat Uri unless they first win the fight for their own soul. More here, from Kim Dae-Joong (the columnist, not Kim Dae-Jung, the ex-Prez). I’m not a fan of...