Anju Links for 21 July 2008

THE KOREAN CHURCH COALITION’S final prayer vigils will take place on July 20th.  Here are the details. ROH IS LONG GONE, and yet all is not well in  U.S.-Korean relations (imagine that).  Discord recently broke out over the premature announcement of a POTUS visit to Seoul. “Washington has offered an apology for making public Bush’s schedule for his South Korean trip without consultations with Seoul. But this is not the first time such an incident has occurred. It could be...

The End of Sunshine

Don Kirk has some straightforward observations about scholars in Washington, who, remarkably enough, are  still  debating how North might reform its economy, as though the  decade-long Sunshine experiment had never happened.  Kirk saves his most acerbic observation for one of the participants in a recent seminar: Probably no Washington think-tanker has been quite so divorced from reality of late, at least in public utterances, as Michael O’Hanlon of the Brookings Institution. In a recent commentary he held up Vietnam as...

North Korean Soldier Kills South Korean Tourist [U/D: And Demands a South Korean Apology]

[Update 2:   Her name was  Park Wang-Ja.   As her body was returned to a grieving husband and son, North Korea  reminded us that  the Korean  word for “chutzpah” is “juche”: North Korea expressed regret Saturday that one of its soldiers shot dead a South Korean tourist at a resort area of the North, but blamed the tourist for trespassing into an off-limits military zone and demanded South Korea apologize for the incident.   Pyongyang also rejected Seoul’s request to send a...

It’s Official: South Korea Is a Lost Cause

After opening last week in 350 theaters across South Korea, “Crossing” is now showing on 289 screens. As of Tuesday, 654,000 people had seen it ““ a modest number by local box office standards. In fact, the film’s producers are not certain if they will recover the investment of $4 million ““ a hefty sum by local standards. “Crossing” aims to remind South Korean viewers of an issue that they tend to overlook in a society concerned with its own...

Anju Links for 10 July 2008

IT’S A FEW DAYS OLD, but this New York Sun report on Republican revulsion at President Bush’s appeasement of Kim Jong Il is worth a read, particularly because of the signals McCain is sending.  If McCain were to oppose this vocally, Bush would probably have a hard time keeping the Republicans togther, and some Democrats would probably also feel the need to pivot.  Related editorial here. ONE WAY YOU COULD help push public opinion (here, anyway) modestly in the right...

Obama ‘Pivots’ Positions on N. Korea Terror De-Listing

The New York Sun picks up the story of Kim Dong Shik and Barack Obama’s first broken promise: In an interview yesterday, the executive director of the Korean Church Coalition for North Korean Freedom, Sam Kim, said he traveled to Congress in early June to remind Illinois legislators of a 2005 letter signed by Senator Obama, among others, that called on the North Korean regime to provide details about the case of the Reverend Kim Dong-Shik. Rev. Kim, who helped...

History, Through Charles Hanley’s Soda Straw

[Update:   See also GI Korea’s post.  Neither Hanley nor Syngman Rhee comes out of this one looking good, nor do U.S. officials and officers who had the breathtakingly poor judgment to attend Lee’s killings.  Clearly, however, Hanley has told us nothing we didn’t already know.]   Professional atrocity monger Charles Hanley is back again, faithful to his  rigid 13-month  schedule, to report breaking news from 1948 that contains no relevations for Korea-watchers:  Syngman Rhee  turns out to have been...

Anju Links for 9 July 2008 (Pt. 2)

YOU DON’T SAY: “There is concern that North Korea might want to retain nuclear weapons that they have already produced so, in fact, they can be considered as a nuclear weapon state,” Lee Myung-Bak told Japan’s Kyodo News in an interview released on Monday.  “This is a very serious concern we all have,” said South Korean President Lee stressing the need for the six-party nuclear negotiations to tackle the weapons issue.  [Channel News Asia] Unlike Japan’s leaders, Lee doesn’t have...

Anju Links for 8 July 2008

NOT-VERY-FAMOUS LAST WORDS:  Most observers now rate the 100,000-man South Korean army as the best of its size in Asia. Its fast-moving columns have mopped up all but a few of the Communist guerrilla bands. And no one now believes that the Russian-trained North Korean army could pull off a quick, successful invasion of the South without heavy reinforcements. [Time, June 5, 1950]   MAD SHEEP DISEASE UPDATES: In a fine example of the unrealized expectations of government-funded media, KBS...

Absolute Must Read: Chris Hill Explodes at Reporter Over Leaked Plan to Accept Incomplete, Incorrect N. Korean Declaration

James Rosen of Fox News has written the single most detailed and  best-written criticism of  Chris Hill’s  Disagreed Framework I have yet read, and that certainly includes anything I’ve written.   Rosen’s narration of Hill’s many public reassurances that  he would accept  nothing less than a “complete and correct” North Korean declaration is devastating.  I had wished for the time to write something like it myself, and that is now done for me.  And yet that is not even the best...

Anju Links for 3 July 2008

STARVING NORTH KOREAN WOMEN TURN TO PROSTITUTION:  “Around stations in big cities, you can see many pimps affiliated to inns . . . .  They approach pedestrians, euphemistically saying that “˜I am selling a bed,’ or “˜selling a flower.’”  Sadly,  some of those forced to survive this way are children.  IT’S CAUTIOUSLY ENCOURAGING to hear USAID official John Brause say something like this about the first shipment of U.S. food aid to North Korea  since 2005:  The agreement to provide...

Mission Accomplished!

There are more bad reviews for the Bush Administration’s decision to pay full price not for North Korea’s nuclear disarmament, but for  a “declaration” that omits its nuclear weapons, its nuclear proliferation, and a good share of its nuclear programs. *   National Review thinks Kim Jong Il must be smiling:  “The deal that emerged from the six-party talks is indeed making for dramatic headlines and good television. What cannot be said is that it is making us safe.”  *...

Oops, We Changed the Wrong Regime

People can differ about the merits of  overthrowing noxious regimes  and the  various ways  that can be pursued, but I’m guessing this is one item  Condoleezza Rice wasn’t  pursuing for her legacy showcase:  Rice’s  sudden  turnabout on  de-listing North  Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism may soon plunge  the Japanese government into crisis.  Japan must now  decide whether to join the United States in providing aid to a country that kidnaps and refuses to account for unknown numbers of...

Anju Links for 30 June 2008

I HOPE YOU ENJOYED the show.   That’ll be $2.5 million.  SORRY ‘BOUT THAT!   Yet again, the South Korean government endangers the families of its forgotten prisoners of war. DON’T THINK OF THEM AS LOVED ONES.  Think of them as hostages  (more). FOR THE FIRST TIME, senior South Korean officials have commemorated the anniversary of a 2002 sea battle with North Korean patrol boats that left six South Korean sailors dead. THE HOTTEST ITEM FOR SMUGGLERS in Sinuiju, along the...

Times of London: N. Korean Snipers Shooting Refugees

You read it here first, but now it’s getting some big media coverage: North Korean guards, newly armed with Russian Dragunov sniper rifles, have shot dead refugees attempting to ford the river that divides their hungry homeland from China, according to human rights campaigners. On the Chinese shore alone, two bodies, marked by several bullet holes, were found by a local activist, said Tim Peters, an American pastor who runs a Christian group supporting the fugitives. The shootings indicate a...

The New York Times: Now 33% as Coherent as Dick Cheney!

Dick Cheney  and the New York Times have one thing in common:  both have  opinions about  the latest version of  Bush’s  North Korea policy: Cheney froze, according to four of the participants at the Old Executive Office Building meeting. For more than 30 minutes he had been talking and answering questions, without missing a beat. But now, for several long seconds, he stared, unsmilingly, at his questioner, Steven Clemons of the New America Foundation, a public policy institution. Finally, he...