Honestly, Baby, It’s Not Mine

Sometimes, I’m tempted to pity some of the more fervent faith-based deniers of North Korean nuclear proliferation: “I don’t buy everything in the video,” said Jon Wolfsthal, a nuclear expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.  Mr Wolfsthal, who has spent time monitoring the North Korean reactor at Yongbyon on which the Al-Kibar facility was allegedly modelled, said the evidence appeared to support the allegations that Syria was constructing a plutonium reactor. Mr Wolfsthal said the evidence pointing...

Leaked to OFK: Internal House Memo on N. Korea’s Support for Terrorism

Update: Link fixed, sorry. A reader and friend has provided me with an unclassified memo (thank you) summarizing a more detailed report by Larry Niksch of the Congressional Research Service (CRS).  The memo is addressed from Ranking Member Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of the House Foreign Affairs Committee to fellow House Republicans.  The memo reveals details that do not appear in this December 2007 CRS Report.  Although the links  to the Japanese Red Army are old news, there  is some alarming information...

Growing Congressional Opposition to De-Listing North Korea as a Terror Sponsor

Well, other than the omission of North Korea’s nuclear weapons, uranium enrichment, proliferation to other terror-sponsoring regimes, and an oddly low figure for fissile material, North Korea’s disclosure is a full disclosure. Other than the nearly complete 50-megawatt reactor and an unfinished 200-megawatt reactor, it (sort of) caps North Korea’s ability to produce one kind of fissile material.  Other than the unknown quantity of completed nuclear weapons left in Kim Jong Il’s hands, it’s a breakthrough for disarmament.  And other...

Anju Links for 8 May 2008

JOSEPH HONG, ONE OF LiNK’s RISING STARS and one of this site’s most valued readers, writing in the International Herald Tribune, asks, “Where has all the courage gone?” After summarizing the current conditions both inside North Korean and for the refugees who have managed to flee, Hong says: In light of this, it is fair to say that international institutions have totally failed in their duty to protect refugees and curtail human rights violations. President George W. Bush has met...

The Venerable Pomnyun, the New Famine, and the Regime’s Stability

Update: SAIS just cancelled Friday’s presentation. Sorry. It is not the nature of famines to make heroes of men, but if a hero emerged from North Korea’s last Great Famine, it is the Buddhist monk the Venerable Pomnyun. I first heard of this man’s humanitarian work in Andrew Natsios’s “The Great North Korean Famine,” a book that, sadly, is must-reading once again. The Ven. Pomnyun, who leads the charity Good Friends, was one of the few South Koreans to speak...

Trailer for New South Korean Film, “Crossing”

Update: LiNK’s Joseph Hong sends: LiNK WILL ALSO HOST a private screening of “Crossing” in NYC on Thursday, May 8 at the ImaginAsian Theater, 239 E 59th St (Btwn 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022. There are only a limited number of seats, but if you would like to attend, please RSVP to joseph@linkglobal. Shin Dong Hyuk will also be speaking in other locations, and I hope to get you more information on that soon. [End update] Over...

Anju Links for 6 May 2008

MORE PROTESTS  against China’s repatriation of North Korean refugees  are scheduled  to take place  in Seoul.  The theme: “No human rights, no Olympics.”  If you live in the area and have a good videocamera (riot gear would also help)  there’s probably  a time that’s convenient for you: * Tuesday, 5/6, 2 pm, Chinese embassy, Seoul * Every week Thursday candlelight demonstration * Thursday, Date: 5/8, 7 pm, Seoul City Hall square * Every day at noon at the Chinese consulate...

Military Second?

The Daily NK continues to be our single best source of information from inside the North, despite the obvious limitations in confirmation, not to mention translation.  One pseudonymous interviewee, probably a trader, reports that food is still available in most of the cities  from Pyongyang  to Sinuiju, but for an exorbitant price (the most at-risk areas are along North Korea’s other coast).  It’s thinly sourced but interesting nonetheless.  So far, the interviewee says that food continues to be available for...

Out With a Whimper: Scholars and Policymakers on Bush’s Legacy of Indecision and Weakness on North Korea

Last week, I attended a program at the American Enterprise Institute about Bush’s new North Korea policy, in which we are reduced to negotiating against our positions of last year, while the North Koreans observe with a mixture of arrogance and befuddlement.  The sum total:  the Administration has lost all will and all backbone.  Don’t expect any policy changes toward accountability or reciprocity.  Instead, expect the lesson to be that you can proliferate nukes to anyone and not just get...

Pick Up ROK, Drop On Foot

[Scroll down for updates.] The Korean Church Coalition passes along this press release on Chinese efforts to stop  a North Korean human rights  demonstration in Seoul, how those efforts backfired, and how the Chinese response since then has exacerbated the reaction.  kcc-press-release.pdf Officially, the best China can offer is something that’s not widely perceived as an apology by South Koreans (who can be fairly reluctant to interpret apologies as such  once offended).  Unofficially, Chinese “netizens” continue to propagate asinine denials...

The Famine of 2008 Has Begun: “It seems like everyone is going to die.”

Those are the grim words of a North Korean interviewed in Good Friends’s latest newsletter, which reports that North Koreans — not just the usual concentration camp inmates and street orphans, but farmers  — are now dying of starvation because of the current food crisis: In the farming areas of the township of Yangduk, Yangduk County and the vicinity in South Pyongan Province , instances of people dying by starvation due to a shortage of food rations are appearing. Currently,...

Must Read: Marcus Noland Reports N. Korea “Headed Toward Outright Famine”

This is from a new paper released by the Peterson Institute for International Economics, and one of OFK’s all-time favorite North Korea experts (and have you read his book yet?): North Korea is once again headed toward widespread food shortage, hunger, and risk of outright famine. According to Peterson Institute Senior Fellow Marcus Noland, “The country is in its most precarious situation since the end of the famine a decade ago. Calculations by Noland and Stephan Haggard, University of California,...

House Republican Leaders Denounce Bush Administration for Withholding Syria Intelligence

Between the Stephens nomination and this, I’d say the Bush Administration has a congressional relations problem on its hands when it comes to Korea policy: The Bush administration’s failure to fully brief Congress on North Korea and Syria has done more than jeopardize the relationship between our two branches of government. It has denied the administration the benefit of congressional support that could have ensured an agreement with North Korea that avoided needless risks, instead of one that may be...

President Bush Issues Statement on North Korea Freedom Week

Laura and I send greetings to all those observing North Korea Freedom Week. I am deeply concerned about the grave human rights conditions in North Korea, especially the denial of universal freedoms of speech, press, religion, assembly, and association, and restrictions on freedom of movement and workers’ rights. I have met in the Oval Office with some of the brave individuals who have escaped from that country. I am deeply concerned by the stories of divided families, harsh conditions, and...

State Dep’t Releases Annual Terrorism Report

And North Korea clings to it by a hair: The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) was not known to have sponsored any terrorist acts since the bombing of a Korean Airlines flight in 1987. The DPRK continued to harbor four Japanese Red Army members who participated in a jet hijacking in 1970. The Japanese government continued to seek a full accounting of the fate of the 12 Japanese nationals believed to have been abducted by DPRK state entities; five...

Anju Links for 30 April 2008

MUST READ:   Andrei Lankov talks about North Korea’s food situation in the Asia Times.  BETTER THEM THAN US, PT. 2:  Ten North Koreans were killed in that Israeli  air strike  on a nuclear reactor in Syria: The intelligence officers told NHK the 10 killed North Koreans, who were helping build a suspected nuclear reactor in Syria, were believed to be officials from the Munitions Industry Department (No. 99 Department) of the North Korean Worker’s Party and North Korean sappers, or...

Better Them Than Us: Korean Nationalism Turns on China

As I suspected, the China’s censorship-by-thug on the streets of  Seoul is not proving popular among Koreans.  The Chinese  government seems to be coming to grips with the P.R. disaster it has made for itself.  Its diplomats, though not quite in a full kowtow position, are offering either an apology or whatever it is that  Asian diplomats  offer when national pride prevents one:  South Korea’s Foreign Ministry expressed regret Monday to China’s ambassador to Seoul, Ning Fukui, over the incident,...