Kevin G. Hall’s Counterfeit Journalism (Updated)

[Update 28 Jan 08:   I’m going to keep flogging this story until I’ve corrected the record.  A reader (thank you)  directs me to this Bloomberg story by none other than Bradley K. Martin and Hideko Takayama.  This one is second only to Steven Mihm’s  for  the quality of its  investigative reporting.  If you’ve read Martin’s book, you’ll  already know  that he’s no neocon collapsist, to say the least.    Takayama and Martin interviewed Yoshihide Matsumura, “whose Matsumura Technology Co....

Your Tax Dollars at Work: Senate Subcommittee Finds Massive Irregularities in UN’s North Korea Development Aid

[Scroll down for updates.] The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations has just released its report on the UN Development Program’s North Korea scandal.  Previous postings here concern the U.S. Ambassador’s original complaint,  Ban Ki Moon’s unrealized promises  of a full investigation, and the suspicious  termination of a whistleblower.  First, the main findings: 1. UNDP operated in North Korea with inappropriate staffing, questionable use of foreign currency instead of local currency, and insufficient administrative and fiscal controls.   2. By preventing...

Just What We Needed: Our Very Own Ministry of Unification.

From a White House press briefing today:  Q       Is the administration about to remove North Korea from its list of state sponsors of terrorism?      MS. PERINO:  No.  Right now where we are is waiting on the North Koreans to provide a complete and accurate declaration of their nuclear activities.  So we’re continuing to wait for that.  We still have people on the ground helping with the disablement of the Yongbyon nuclear facility.  So at this...

Classless Condi

[Update:   Miss that warm, moist pungence rising around your ankles?  Here’s your fix for that: “I’m going to have a great deal more to say about elevating the issue of human rights in North Korea, which is clearly a priority for the president and Congress,” he said.  [N.Y. Times, Helene Cooper] Exactly how stupid do these people  think we are?  Condi Rice has scarcely uttered a word about this in four years, has prevented anyone else but the marginalized...

Anju Links for 23 Jan 08

WHAT HE SAID:  Richardson has a must-read commentary on State’s persistent clinging to the assinine  idea of removing non-complaint, non-performing, unreformed North Korea from the terror-sponsor list.  He does a terrific job on tracking how State airbrushes its justification for listing North Korea year-by-year.  I could only add that  the idea of rewarding people who do absolutely everything we want them not to do  has to be the dumbest idea since  Windows  Vista.  I have to wonder if Congress would...

Plan B: How to Disarm Kim Jong Il Without Bombing Him

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.    — Albert Einstein Plan A, gentle diplomacy,  has  again  failed to disarm Kim Jong Il.  Whenever this happens (every time it’s tried) advocates of doing the same thing over and over again fall back on The False Choice, whether expressly or by implication:  it’s  their way or war.  They know better, of course, which technically makes this a lie.   And usually, this lie  stands uncorrected: “People...

Gridlock and infighting stalk collapse of Agreed Framework 2.0

You could  write the epitaph for the President Bush’s North Korea policies in six words:  There are worse things than gridlock.  Now that Agreed Framework 2.0 has reached its failure point  and not even  sympathetic media  can still deny it, the New York Times reports that the same  old factions have formed up  to battle about the fruitlessness of dealing with Kim Jong Il.  With North Korea sending signals that it may be trying to wait out Mr. Bush’s time...

The Candidates on North Korea (Fred Thompson)

Whew.  I had expected these  primary things to make this project a little less ambitions.  I expected wrong.  Next: SIMON: Well, here’s our final question, though. As you probably know, I’m sure you know, Ambassador Bolton has become very critical of the Bush administration since his resignation from the United Nations. He wrote a book about it and he’s made a lot of public statements. Do you think — and implying that the Bush administration is essentially walking backwards on...

Good Riddance, Ministry of Silly Talks

After weeks of conflicting reports, Lee Myung Bak’s transition team had made it official:  the UniFiction  Ministry goes to the ash-heap, along with  the Ministries  of Truth Information and Communication, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Science and Technology, and the Anti-Sex League Gender Equality and Family.  The  Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade will become a much larger  and more powerful  Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Unification.  As a whole, the government will shrink by more than 5%, about 7,000 employees....

Good Riddance, Nick Burns

Nicholas Burns, the State Department’s number three diplomat and the man  whom  a reliable  source told me was the one  who blocked  implementation of the North Korean  Human Rights Act,  will step down for “personal reasons.”  Alas, the reasons are not known to include painful bleeding hemorrhoids, and so I must go on doubting  God’s existence.  Burns’s legacy will include such notable accomplishments as  Iran’s nuclear bomb.  His replacement is the eponymous William Burns  (no relation) who has enjoyed such...

Anju Links for 18 Jan 08

NORTH KOREA FINALLY MENTIONS LEE MYUNG BAK, sorta:  “U.S. conservative hardliners broke into cheers upon hearing about the results of the “˜elections’ in South Korea … asserting that the power change in South Korea marks a new occasion of strangling North Korea.   Well, yeah, if he actually does.  Wow.  Did I really just agree with KCNA? TOO MANY NORTH KOREANS ARE HOARDING FOOD, so the  regime is cracking down with layer upon layer of bureaucracy and permits that are...

Anju Links for 16 Jan 08

ISN’T IT TERRORISM when someone won’t release a captive without a payment?  Still, paying ransom is undeniably an improvement over paying the money and letting your POW’s and their families  die in place anyway.  I wonder how much this’ll cost. TAZE ‘EM AGAIN, BRO!    The Korean  police are finally talking about  arresting and using a degree of force against violent protestors.   No doubt, this has something to do with the change of government in Seoul.  I’d like to see...

I am so ready for a North Korean spy scandal right about now …

[Update:    He resigns.  Kim Man-Bok claims that his motive in leaking the tape  was to dispel speculation that  he met with Kim Yang-Gon to try to influence the South  Korean election.   Using Nordpolitik is a  well-established way of trying to influence South  Korean elections, and I’m not sure exactly how Kim M.B. expected to reassure anyone about  what’s not on the tape.   To me,  one missed  significance of this  is the casual ease with which Roh’s people accepted North...

Anju Links for 14 Jan 08

STOP THE PRESSES!   Donga Ilbo:  Lee Says He’s Exceptionally Pro-Business LEAST UNEXPECTED HEADLINE OF THE DAY:   Joongang Ilbo:  “Lee Praises Anticipated U.S. Envoy.”   On second thought, unexpected and dull is just fine, thank you.   As for me, I have low expectations for the  ambassador-designate, Kathleen Stephens, for the simple (maybe too simple) reason that nothing good  or decent comes from the State Department’s East Asia Bureau.  But there is some hope that she won’t be entirely awful:   ...

State Dep’t Denies Groundhog Sighting

The only thing worse than shifting deadlines is no deadlines:  The United States on Friday again denied setting a new target date for North Korea to give a full accounting of its nuclear programs that would replace a missed year-end deadline.   ”We are continuing to work towards the end of getting a declaration in, but there has been no new deadline set by the United States, by the North Koreans or by any other party in the six-party talks,” State...

South Korea to push U.N. for return of its POW’s

President-Elect Lee Myung Bak’s transition team  is speaking more about its plans to finally bring home about 560 prisoners of war  it believes North Korea is still holding, in violation of the 1953 Armistice agreement.  South Korea may seek help from the international community in pressing North Korea to return South Korean prisoners of war, the Defense Ministry said Saturday.   North Korea has so far balked at South Korean requests to return POWs, saying it has never held any South...

Did Chris Hill lie about North Korea’s declaration?

In the last episode of  our drama, Chris thought he had convinced Kim to out himself in time for  the New Year’s ball, only to have Kim say that he’d said enough when Chris visited his place last November.   At moments like this one, when this blog begins to sound like the screenplay for a gay soap opera, I  understand  why The Lost  Nomad  went fishing. Several days ago, I believe I  caught  U.S. nucyular  negotiator Christopher Hill in a...

Time running out for the FTA?

Here.  Americans sometimes observe that South Korea shouts for equal treatment while actually expecting to be treated like a coddled infant, and I’d cite the handicaps it demanded on the imports of  cars and agricultural products as a good example to support that.  Based on the two-faced behavior and unreasonable  demands of the South Koreans throughout the FTA talks, the U.S. Trade Representative  should have had the guts to  walk away  and wait for Roh’s clock to run out.  Sadly,...