Andrei Lankov on Triggering a North Korean Revolution

Update:   Here.  It’s a must-read. You have to see this one (via The Marmot).  In a logical  follow-on to “The Natural Death of North Korean Stalinism,” Professor Andrei Lankov offers practical suggestions for exploiting and  accelerating  a trend he identified previously — the  political decline of the Kim Dynasty.  I’ve previously  called Dr. Lankov arguably the  Western world’s only genuine North Korea expert; he’s one of those rare people  you can listen to for hours in rapt attention without  even...

Food Crisis Update

It may be the first good news I’ve ever reported on the subject:  rice prices have actually fallen slightly in some of  North Korea’s most vulnerable areas, as the Daily NK reports in persuasive detail.  There’s even a city-by-city price chart.  The price drop is modest — roughly 25 to 30% — but this is the time of year when you’d expect food to be in very short supply, with rapid price increases,  if we were  headed for an imminent...

Hill: N. Korea Must Give Up Uranium Program

[Update:   This doesn’t  sound very “newly murky:”  “I have no doubt that North Korea has had a highly enriched uranium program,” U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte said during a visit to Seoul. …. “We would expect that when North Korea makes its declaration of nuclear facilities that that would be one of the issues addressed in North Korea’s declaration,” he told a news conference.  Good, if we really have no doubts.  Straightforward interpretation is all that can...

Take the OFK Statesmanship Quiz

You are a  major political leader of one of the world’s major industrialized democracies.  An actor-turned-author publishes a book in which he photoshops the name of the country’s top newspaper into a picture of the World Trade Center on 9-11.  Just to make sure there’s no room for ambiguity, he says, “I want to become a terrorist ….  The newspaper is the sole monolithic monster remaining in [this] society.” As a statesman, your response is to: a.  Jail the man...

Peace Is at Hand!

*    Accountability Is So Last Month:    For those who are thirsty for some rare news of someone holding Kim Jong Il accountable for anything lately, Opinion Journal has more on the end of the U.N. Development Program’s highly questionable North Korea operations, and some unsolicited advice for Chris Hill. *   ‘There’s Nothing to Wait for Here:’   Those words, from the North Korean delegate who passed reporters on his way into “normalization” talks, could be the truest...

The Politics of Self-Destruction

[Update:  The politcs of self-destruction meets the politics of personal destruction.  I’d be interested in knowing how many of those who  denounced Ann Coulter’s homophobic  epithet are  now  reveling  in this story out of partisan schadenfreude.    Unless Corporal Sanchez has crusaded against homosexuality and pornography while concealing his own past, I can’t think of anything other than the fact of his past homosexual behavior to make this a legitimate story.  I’ll admit, however, that there’s certainly irony in the...

Can They Do It? A Brief History of Resistance to the North Korean Regime

[Updated March 2007; See new incidents and survey stats at the bottom of the post.]   According to the  image of the North Korean people that their rulers carefully cultivate, North Koreans are brainwashed automatons.  Regime minders, who closely follow foreign camera crews inside North Korea, seldom permit outsiders to see any alternative.  That image  is probably a combination of fear, stage management, brainwashing, and a degree of truth:  few North Koreans have ever known anything else, and extreme nationalism...

‘Inside North Korea’ Tonight: Don’t Miss This One

A reader reminds me:  National Geographic Explorer is airing a special tonight at 9 p.m., “Inside North Korea.”  This program, done by Lisa Ling while traveling undercover, is not going to be the standard guided tour we’ve come to expect from the networks.   Do yourself a favor and read NGEO’s teaser.  This one looks good. Update:   It is good.  Channel 109 on Comcast. Update 2:   This was definitely one of the best NK docus I’ve seen, if for...

Maybe He Should Have Called It a ‘Slam Dunk’

[Update:   John Bolton weighs in at the Wall Street Journal’s editorial page.  Bolton reads Joseph  DiTrani’s remarks similarly to how I read them, although those of an “Anonymous Senior Official” are much more nefarious.  Do not miss.  Bolton continues to do great public service as a private citizen  by focusing on the essential issues of inspection and verification, and then nails  why all pieces of this  framework join at that point,  with pneumatic strength and precision: [I]t is precisely...

How a U.S. Consul Helped Send Six North Korean Refugees to Kim Jong Il’s Gulag

[Update: The Shenyang Six were freed from a Chinese jail in August 2007.] The Secretary of State shall undertake to facilitate the submission of applications []  by citizens of North Korea seeking protection as refugees  …. (Title 22, United States Code, Section 7843) Back in  January, I told you the story of the Shenyang Six, a group of six North Korean refugees who sought  refuge from persecution and starvation in their homeland, and how the Chinese authorities, following their long-standing...

Why You Have to Read this Blog: Yonhap Gets Lefkowitz’s Testimony Wrong

Standing amid a crowd of journalists today, a thought entered my mind at such velocity that it shattered  a tumor of remorse forming around the idea that any of them has a thousand times my audience.  True, I thought.  But unlike them,  every word I write will be published.  Oh, the power!   It fills and swells my cranium!   And no sooner do I see the stories they’ve filed, the frustrated resignation hits me all over again.  Because they’re...

Daily NK: Hoeryong Party Official Caught Dealing Dope

As with a lot of the more chaotic stories lately, it comes from Hoeryong: In an interview on the 24th, the source from Hoiryeong said “On Feb 24, 20 or so officials from the National Security Agency made a search warrant in the home (#42, Sanup-dong, Hoiryeong) of Suh Kyung Hee (49) Chairwoman of Hoiryeong City’s North Korean Democratic Women’s Union. On location, they found 15kg of drugs known as “ice,” US$30,000 and approx. 200,000 North Korean won (approx. US...

Chris Hill Testifies at the International Relations Foreign Affairs Committee

Headlines now, details later: Hill was firm that North Korea had purchased items that had no other use but highly enriched uranium.  He said that  a failure to resolve  the HEU issue would be a deal-breaker.  Committee members of both parties also seemed to believe that North Korea must come clean on HEU. Hill left open the possibility that North Korea will still be denying the existence of its HEU program 60 days from now without breaking the deal. He...

RFA Interviews North Korean Comfort Women

Paek Sun-Joo was an 18-year-old street child when she was sold to a 38- year-old Chinese man more than two years ago. “[The traffickers] would gather people wearing rags, appearing to be compassionate and pity them, giving them something to eat and telling them that in China they would be able to feed and clothe themselves adequately,” Paek told RFA reporter Han Min. “It is easy to be tricked when you are starving, and somebody gives you some food, telling...

I Wonder What They’ll Look Like on a SAM-2 Radar Screen

Plenty of armchair psyoppers, myself included,  have talked about ways to  fly leaflets and other items into North Korea, but here’s the most ambitious concept I’ve seen yet. A Japanese advocacy group said Tuesday it will use balloons to scatter flyers over North Korea, offering residents a US$10,000 cash reward for information on Japanese citizens kidnapped by the regime decades ago.  [Pravda] Yes, Pravda!   Not only does it still exist,  but now reports on capitalist conspiracies to  infitrate future...