OK, But in All Fairness, Chomsky Pyschosis Is a Diagnosis, Too

John Feffer could be more accurately described as a  hack  apologist for  its regime than an authority on North Korea.  Feffer recently won  himself a  Bruce Cumings  Prize  for the  year’s  most  spectacularly ill-timed defense of the indefensible.  What the Soviet archives did for Cumings’s academic reputation,  the Havel-Wiesel-Bondevik report  ought to have done for Feffer’s denial of Kim Jong Il’s culpability for the great famine  that sacrificed millions of lives for nukes and missiles,  had anyone actually read what...

Also Translates to ‘Cleanse’

Hoeryong, North Korea,  labors under  some unenviable distinctions:  it is one of the worst, most blighted places in arguably the world’s worst, most blighted country; it sits near Camp 22, almost certainly the very worst place to be on this earth; it is a hot spot in  North Korea’s  spreading mystery-pandemic; it is a major transit point for people who are trying to sneak out of North Korea; and it contains some of North Korea’s most discontented and potentially rebellious...

Why Is North Korea Even in the United Nations?

Claudia Rosett asks some very relevant questions about North Koreans, who are very likely regime intelligence assets, being given the U.N. equivalent of civil service examinations.  Successful completion of those examination would bring them into the General Secretariat.  I wonder what unsuccessful completion of those examinations would bring.  But I digress. I suppose that spying on the U.N. would not make North Korea unique, but  giving the world’s most  tyrannical  and belligerent nation  a key to  the Secretariat … now...

Mass Escape at N. Korean Concentration Camp; 120 Escape

[For images of North Korea’s nuclear sites, click here; for updates and commentary on North Korea’s latest nuclear test, click here; for images of other concentration camps, click here and here; for more Google Earth imagery of North Korea, click here.] [Update 11 Feb 07:   North Korea denies it] The Daily NK reports: Sources residing in the district of Chongjin, North Hamkyung informed on the 1st and 5th “On December 20th, a mass group of 120 prisoners from the...

Come Here and Let Us Hate You!

Don’t get me wrong; I actually like Dick Cheney.   He’s from Wyoming, which practically makes him a neighbor, and he  may be one of the few people out there who’s hard-line enough for my taste, particularly on North Korea, but you have to admit that he has lacked rock star appeal recently.  That’s why it’s puzzling to see even hypersensitive South Korea feel slighted by the fact that Cheney will give the place a miss in an upcoming Asia trip. ...

Uri Officially Loses Plurality in National Assembly

Much sound of little rat paws scratching on wet  steel plate today: “With our deep regret and apologies to the public, which is against the Uri Party, we are determined to give up our current power and become a seed to form a new united party,” Lee Jong-gul said at a press conference, accompanied by other defectors. The mass defection reduced the ruling party to second place in the 296-member parliament with 110 seats. The helm was transferred to the...

Three Questions About ‘Monnara Iunnara’

A reader wants to know (I’m paraphrasing here):  First, the series was first published in June 2004, but are there any new developments,  other than  bloggers just catching on now?  Second, Gimm-Young looks like a reputable publishing house — they carry a lot of big American titles.  Does anyone else know anything else about them?  Third, are there any recent articles documenting the popularity of the series, whether in Korea or anywhere else? Your help is greatly appreciated.  I may...

Disciplinary Erosion Hits N. Korean Border Guards

The Daily NK reports that two border guards were caught taking money to allow refugees to cross the border and will be executed.  Although the state can’t decide whether to hang or shoot the two unfortunates, or how to schedule it around the Dear Leader’s birthday,  past history suggests that  the deed  will be carried out publicly to make an example of the men.  Consider the  example set.  Of the two reported consequences, only one seems to have been intended: ...

We Are (Not) One

When I reported to Korea for my first tour there, I recall walking around Yongsan with another Army officer looking at all the Korean civilians and wondering how many were North Korean  sleeper agents.  Hey, even paranoid people have enemies.   I remember that officer saying, “I don’t claim to be able to tell North Koreans from South Koreans.”  I laughed, but that was before I actually met any people I knew to be North Koreans.  My views have since...


Plenty of other bloggers have already pointed out the logical fallacy of columnists characterizing Chuck Hagel as “courageous” for undermining our soldiers fighting al Qaeda and other terrorists and thugs  in Iraq while  the polls show overwhelmingly escapist  sentiment at home.   The latest  Orwellian suffix to “support our troops” is “deny them reinforcements.”   What  this shares with other such feel-good manipulations is that it could never survive utterance in a roomful of actual troops and a live audio feed.  Yet...

Wobble Watch: Kaesong

In a one-hour meeting with Unification Minister Lee Jae-joung, U.S. Ambassador Alexander Vershbow said that while it is unrealistic to recognize the goods made in the border city of Kaesong as South Korean, there is room left to negotiate within the proposed free trade agreement (FTA) between the two countries, Unification Ministry officials said. “Lee stressed that U.S. recognition of the goods produced in Kaesong as South Korean will contribute to bringing about a lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula....

So Much for a DPRK-Friendly Congress

They’re only bills, so I wouldn’t make too much of them yet …. WASHINGTON, Feb. 4 (Yonhap) — U.S. legislators resubmitted resolutions to the new Congress demanding the return of an American naval vessel seized by North Korea and imposition of higher tariffs on imports from non-market economies, including the communist country. Rep. John Salazar (D-Colorado) introduced House Resolution 91 dated Jan. 23 that calls for the return of the U.S.S. Pueblo, a 906-ton naval intelligence ship which was attacked...

“Koryo Is Our Land!”

The original photo:  “Mount Paektu Is Our Land!” Photoshop Number One:  “Koryo Is  Chinese Land!” I don’t endorse the claim for an instant, but I can’t deny  some enjoyment at watching the  panicky retreat from Korean nationalists’ latest classless stunt.   Unlike the case with Tokdo, the Koreans have a great deal of their nationhood invested in Mount Paektu.  It would be unbecoming of them to  be as  cowardly in  any real dispute about  Paekdu as they’ve been furious over...

Giving Up on the U.N.

Fred Fry has concluded that the U.N. will never do anything to save the North Korean people, and he  thinks it’s time for us to quit expecting otherwise.  He makes a compelling case, and  I’ve cited and quoted  plenty of the sources he quotes.  It’s not a case I can really refute. And still, I hold out hope.  First, some credit is due; the U.N. World Food Program probably did save many lives with its feeding operations between 1998 and...

Meet Lee Won-Bok, the Julius Streicher of Korea

Update 2:   Reading Monnara is translating the entire chapter;  stop by regularly  if your stomach can handle it.   Update:   I’ve just gone though Sonagi’s Flickr page  (see also), and I feel physically ill.  I don’t think I’ve seen anything  this venemous emerging from the civilized  world since the 1930’s, although if you’ve studied the history of those times, it will look more than vaguely  familiar:  the Jews control Hollywood and the media, control all of our foreign policy...

Wobble Watch

“Since North Korea conducted a nuclear test, it no longer has the right to the peaceful use of nuclear power,” said the official closely involved in six-nation nuclear disarmament talks, speaking on condition that he not be identified. “It is impossible, and illegal according to international laws, to negotiate nuclear cooperation with a country that does not have the right” to peacefully use nuclear power, he said. It is not wobbly.  Moreover, and remarkably, this statement came from “a senior...