Shin Sang-Ok Dies

The South Korean film-maker and his actress wife were best known for having been kidnapped by Kim Jong Il to make movies in North Korea, most infamously the stoner cult classic “Pulgasari.” In Shin’s observations about the emperor and his court feature prominently in the writings of North Korea Kremlinologists, including Jasper Becker’s Rogue Regime. Apparently at the orders of Kim Jong-il, then North Korea’s heir apparent and a film buff, both he and his wife, the actress Choi Eun-hee,...

Plenty of Room on the Stage

Oranckay has finally done it. In the span of a day, he’s joined the bulk of the IKK into a single, in-bred borg. Today, he goes to The Marmot’s Hole to defend his latest post, which links OFK posts by myself and Andy Jackson, who now co-blogs at the Hole. Someone ought to wake Dr. Hwang from his alcoholic fog to tell him a greater crime has finally been committed against nature. I make no argument with much of what...

The FTA Debate Is Turning Ugly

FTA negotiations will likely magnify “anti-American” sentiments in the short run and unleash a backlash in America. — Balbina Hwang, March 2, 2006 There are really three premises to this post, all of them leading to one conclusion: First, a Korean-American free trade agreement would be a good thing for both countries, but particularly for Korea. Second, despite that being demonstrably the case, the usual suspects see the FTA as an opportunity to ride to power on the shoulders of...

Links of Interest

Kamerad! It was all too predictable: France has surrendered to the mobs in the streets. The good news is the decline of Chirac and De Villepin; the bad news is that France’s own economic decline is now increasingly assured. Mary Robinson Wouldn’t Approve. I have three words to say about Zacharias Moussaoui’s date with Hell: Pay-Per-View. Bring beer; Cheetos are on me. The Skirt Defense. This is without question both the strangest and most contemptable rape defense I’ve ever seen:...

Charles Jenkins in OhMyNews

This one is a must-read. The portrait you get is of a man broken in every way possible, yet almost inexplicably, alive. I’ll give you two quotes and let you read the rest yourself: He believes there are more Americans in the country. “I know they’re there but can’t prove it. They’re left from the Korean and Vietnam wars. There is a place there where they got Americans farming.” . . . . Jenkins secretly indulged his love of American...

Please Don’t Print the ‘R’ Word

South Korea is considering an untried new approach to secure the release extradition of its abductees those who rallied to the workers’ paradise. (We have learned that how such things are characterized in the South Korean press can be a matter of some sensitivity to the governments of both North Korea and South Korea.) And the untried new approach? Paying ransom protection money brotherly assistance. Well, almost untried. OK, tried that. And yet, despite my better judgment, I favor it....

The Death of an Alliance, Part 36: FTA Meets WTF

Move over Weekly World News: Beware of the dragonfly: it may be a bugging robot disguised as a harmless insect. No, the advice does not come from a mental patient convinced the government is spying on his laundry bills: it was one of the security tips issued during last week’s two-day workshop for 120 Korean delegates in the nation’s impending free-trade negotiations with the U.S. The workshop was designed to help delegates guard their negotiation strategies from prying ears when...

Links of Note

Thanks for the readers who forwarded: The Hines Ward story made the Washington Post. It doesn’t add too much new information, but I do like to see the issue get covered here. Transparency is a mixed blessing for China on the Sujiatun story: It appears the claims by Falun Gong have been at least substantially exaggerated. Initial investigations by researchers for a US congressional committee have identified the site at Sujiatun as a hospital, where it is suspected organ harvesting...

Diplomacy Update

You know that the six-party goat rodeo is in real trouble when South Korea’s Minister of UniFiction gives the North “unusually caustic advice”, and when China starts to lose interest in stalling: What is more troubling is that China does not appear to be as enthusiastic as before about bringing North Korea to the negotiating table. Instead, China is reportedly becoming reluctant to share information with South Korea, which Seoul says is vital in putting common pressure on North Korea...

Daily NK on Ma Young-Ae

The Daily NK is clearly skeptical about Ms. Ma’s claim for asylum from South Korea: We do know that the South Korean government does not consider the North Korean democratization movement as good, and tries interrupting the movement by taking every opportunity. However, the South Korean government does not imprison and torture activators like the past administrations. We understand Ma Young Ae could be afraid of the government, yet many activators who got even more severe threats and interruptions are...

Some People Will Believe Anything

The question you really have to ask yourself on reading tripe like this is whether a mature, self-assured democracy would plot to disturb international peace and commerce for a windswept and essentially uninhabited pile of guano. I’ll go out on a long limb here and say Japan and the United States wouldn’t, because unlike South Korea, they are mature and self-assured democracies. You can’t keep a stable alliance with a nation where urban legend passes for public discourse, leading us...

Is Kim Jong Il Bankrupt?

There is more evidence to suggest that North Korea really is in dire financial straits after all. Some would not call this a novel conclusion to make about a country in which 2.5 million people have starved to death, but a careful reading of what NGO workers and refugees tell us of how the food was passed out suggests that the North Korean regime was not unduly upset about that, as long as its elite ate well and never lacked...

And Now, the Lectures and Chastising

It was sweet while it lasted. Which wasn’t long. An [the not-famous mother of a mixed-race child] told Kim [the mother of Superbowl MVP Hines Ward] there was much she wanted to talk to her about. “If I had the opportunity to get out of Korea right now, I would do it without a moment’s hesitation,” An said. Kim silently held her hand. Then she said, “Yes, that is what you should do. I always used to think that too.”...

How South Korea Sacrificed Its Abducted Citizens

In 1979, a mob of wild-eyed whooping loonies seized 52 Americans and held them as hostages for 444 days. The most testosterone-deficient U.S. president in living memory made securing their freedom his all-consuming priority in office, as the news media led with the story every night for over a year. He froze Iranian assets and even launched a disastrous military mission to free them. His failure to do so destroyed his presidency. In September 2002, Kim Jong Il admitted that...