‘Organized’ Groups Attack N. Korean Border Posts

[Post moved up] OFK, Jan. 20, ’05: “Down with Kim Jong-il! Let’s all rise to drive out the dictatorial regime!” OFK, Dec. 12, ’05: The North Korean Revolution, Coming Soon to a Border Post Near You. Donga Ilbo, Feb. 7 ’06: North Korean Border Posts Attacked Did I just feel the earth twitch? Unidentified armed men carried out a series of attacks on North Korean border guards along the country’s border with China right before the lunar New Year, according...

Key Congressional Staffers Speak Out on Free Speech, FTA

First, the obvious: the prognosis is bleak for the six-party talks. This from Democratic staffer Frank Januzzi. Januzzi spins this as Congress and the President (read: Republicans) avoiding responsibility, but a much more likely explanation is that Congress hates the deal so much that it won’t appropriate the funds to buy tribute for Pyongyang, particularly without forthcoming admissions about uranium and counterfeiting. You can’t blame any political party for North Korea’s intransigence and dishonesty. The same argument can be reversed:...

Links of Interest

Daily NK on Child Slavery Anti-Slavery International’s Norma Kang Muico talks about child slave labor in North Korea in the Daily NK, an online newspaper written and edited primarily by North Korean defectors. _____________ China, Our Strategic Partner, Part I The deputy editor of Chinese newspaper the Taizhou Evening News, Wu Xianghu, has died of a beating allegedly carried out by police, a report said. The 41-year-old was beaten in October when about 50 police officers stormed the newspaper’s offices...

Ignoring the Evidence of the NK Uranium Program

Amidst all the shouting over North Korea’s counterfeiting and denials thereof, and how it could all spoil our six-party warm fuzzies, one can almost forget that North Korea still denies even having a uranium enrichment program. Some apologists continue to buy into the North Korean version in spite of evidence proving the contrary beyond any reasonable doubt. Richardson patiently, methodically delivers a lethal fisking to Tim Beal.

N. Korea Preparing Uprising in the South?

A tip of my hat to the Nomad for pointing out this series in the World Peace Herald, which I’m obliged to point out was founded by the Rev. Sun Myung-Moon. The Rev. Moon, as regular readers know, has gone from uncompromising right-wing cold warrior to being one of Kim Jong Il’s favorite investors. Moon purchased a large parcel of land near Pyongyang for his own personal Vatican (fourth item) and even signed a deal to build a ski resort...

LaPorte’s Parting Words to Korea: Alliance Needs Your Support

Although I’m a fan of departing USFK Commanding General Leon LaPorte, I think he’s fallen victim to the bureaucratic tendency to preserve and expand one’s own organization while missing the fact that the same tendency may work against the whole government’s greater good: The outgoing commander of the U.S. Forces Korea, Gen. Leon LaPorte, on Friday called on supporters of the Korea-U.S. alliance to speak out. LaPorte warned the alliance faces difficulties ahead in both countries from those who think...

Yomiuri: Kim Jong Il Personally Ordered Japanese Abductions

I’ll just let you read this entire piece and ponder the following: How long will Sin Gwang Su be treated like a hero in Pyongyang, now that the word is out that he fingered the Dear Leader himself under questioning? How forthcoming were the South Koreans with this information? Have the North Koreans admitted to abducting this poor soul? Sin entered Japan in a spy ship on the coast of Miyazaki Prefecture in April 1980 and kidnapped Hara, who was...

Springtime in the Gulag: S. Korean Gov’t Says Play ‘Dwells Too Heavily on Negative Aspects’ of Concentration Camp Life

Update: Welcome Instapundit readers! So it has come to this: it is no longer legal to criticize the human rights record of North Korea in Seoul, South Korea. For those who would defy the rising vicarious control of North Korea’s Ministry of Public Security on the streets of Seoul, here is what happens next: A planned musical about human rights abuses in North Korea’s Yoduk concentration camp has run into massive obstacles, not least from officials fearful of upsetting the...

Can Europe Defend Its Liberal Values?

The low characters of the Muslim world are rioting and burning while their statist overlords quietly applaud, titter, and observe from their balconies. In response to cartoons drawn by Danish artists, printed in a Danish newspapers distributed in Denmark, and as a protest against the very portrayals of Islam (and its prophet) the defenders of the faith set out with such determination to reinforce. . . . Caricature (ht Gaijin Biker): Reality (ht Small Wars Journal): The charicature is relative...

International Crisis Group on North Korea-China ‘Relations’

It never ceases to astonish me how many sober-minded people in Washington see no alternative but to wait around for China to force North Korea to reform and disarm, if only marginally. My response to that idea has always been a less precise version of what the ICG reports here: China’s influence on North Korea is more than it is willing to admit but far less than outsiders tend to believe. Although it shares the international community’s denuclearisation goal, it...

N. Korea Food Situation Update

Via the excellent Suburban Dissident blog, here’s the newest detailed report on the food situation in the North. The executive summary is that even accepting North Korean estimates of an improved harvest, it’s dramatically insufficient. . . . North Korea’s grain production rose 5.3 per cent to 4.54 million tonnes in 2005, helped by better harvests and fertilizer shipments from South Korea, South Korean data showed today. The 2005 harvest was still far short of the impoverished country’s annual demand,...