So What IS the Deal with Nicholas Burns?

The Washington Times reports that while Burns is not one of Secretary Rice’s inner circle from her NSC tenure, Burns is an accomplished survivor despite political changes in Washington. Mr. Burns, the department’s third-ranking official after Miss Rice and her deputy, Robert B. Zoellick, is the only career Foreign Service officer among the undersecretaries. Even though Mr. Burns, whose ability to please both Republican and Democratic administrations has taken him far and high, is considered the star of the top...


“How could any good Korean dare question him?” As little as the stem cell / Dr. Hwang story interested me, the exposure and chastening of blind Korean nationalism does interest me. “Our society has been overwhelmed with the principle of focusing on outcome instead of procedure, and we forgot that ends cannot justify the means,” Chung Un Chan, president of Seoul National University, where most of Hwang’s work was conducted, said in an apology to the nation Wednesday. “Most of...

On Lee Jong-Seok, Chung Dong Young’s Replacement

The Joongang Ilbo has an excellent profile of him, including a long and detailed bio. The executive summary: he’s much smarter than Chung–which I realize isn’t saying much–and is a dyed-in-the-wool leftist academic and key theoritician behind Korea’s new neutralist policy, one that ironically depends on the presence of a large U.S. military contingent. His nomination was not well received in Washington. While I think that the significance of his lack of familiarity with the United States may be overstated,...

On Lee Jong-Seok, Chung Dong Young’s Replacement

The Joongang Ilbo has an excellent profile of him, including a long and detailed bio. The executive summary: he’s much smarter than Chung–which I realize isn’t saying much–and is a dyed-in-the-wool leftist academic and key theoritician behind Korea’s new neutralist policy, one that ironically depends on the presence of a large U.S. military contingent. His nomination was not well received in Washington. While I think that the significance of his lack of familiarity with the United States may be overstated,...

Hub of the Hunkered

Update: Welcome Mudville Gazette readers! Please after you’ve wiped your feet on the welcome mat and gotten cozy, catch up on the latest events the Koreas here, at the main page. I served in Korea with the Army from 1998 to 2002; today, I blog from Washington, and the site you’re reading now is also a daily read inside the State Department, Congress and big media. The agenda here is freedom for the people of North Korea, a world that...

Korean Connection Watch

Tongsun Park–Arrested in Mexico? That certainly suggests a much higher level of U.S. interest in what he knows, as well as a much lower interest by Park in cooperating. Of course, he ratted everyone out after his Koreagate indictment. Let’s hope the pattern holds up. Update: . . . and on his way from Canada, home of Liberal Party supporter and Oil-For-Food co-suspect Maurice Strong, to God-knows-where, on the very eve of the Canadian national election. If this proves to...

That’ll Leave a Mark

I haven’t been terribly interested in this story, but this caught my attention: The downfall of Hwang Woo Suk, the South Korean scientist vilified for faking his papers, holds a lesson for developing countries rushing into cutting-edge life science: Do not try to clone human cells the way you churn out cars and computer chips, experts in science regulation said Wednesday. . . . . In hindsight, analysts say, it is clear that a hard-driven researcher used – and was...

Election Watch: The Ides of Winter

The knives are out! And the Joongang Ilbo is following the glint of the blades. Chung Dong-yung, the former unification minister, fired a broadside yesterday at his main rival for the leadership of the governing Uri Party, Kim Geun-tae, the former health minister. Mr. Chung and Mr. Kim quit their cabinet posts to run for the Uri Party chairmanship, in hopes it would lead to becoming that party’s presidential candidate. Mr. Chung said, “I suspect the innocence of those who...

That’ll Leave a Mark

I haven’t been terribly interested in this story, but this caught my attention: The downfall of Hwang Woo Suk, the South Korean scientist vilified for faking his papers, holds a lesson for developing countries rushing into cutting-edge life science: Do not try to clone human cells the way you churn out cars and computer chips, experts in science regulation said Wednesday. . . . . In hindsight, analysts say, it is clear that a hard-driven researcher used – and was...

China Agrees: N. Korea Is Counterfeiting U.S. Dollars, Laundering Proceeds in Chinese Banks

I can’t quite figure what to make of this: A three-month investigation by China of accusations that North Korea used a Macau bank to launder gains from currency forgery has confirmed the suspicions, Korean diplomatic sources said Wednesday. The revelation comes amid reports that North Korean leader Kim Jong-il is on a spur-of-the-moment trip to China, which some speculate may be linked to the finding. . . . . [Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister] Wu [Dawei] also met with his North...

Extortion Watch

The “Arrest Galloper” saga continues, thus far without a hint of street demonstrations in either Seoul or Pyongyang (oddly enough). North Korean military authorities are reportedly demanding US$1 million in compensation for the death of a soldier and injury of two others when a car driven by a South Korean ploughed into them in the North’s Mt. Kumgang resort last month. The driver worked for a subcontractor of Hyundai Asan, the South Korean firm that exclusively organizes package tours to...

Claudia Rosett on the Korean Connection; Maurice Strong’s ‘Special Interest’ in Building Power Plants in North and South Korea

I can’t even begin to scratch the detail that Ms. Rosett has added to our knowledge of the Korean Connection with her most recent Oil-For-Food article. For some time, my interest in Oil-For-Food has focused in on Tongsun Park, who was born in North Korea, and Maurice Strong, Kofi Annan’s former Special Envoy to North Korea. Strong resigned from that position last May, after news reports named him as the possible recipient of some of Saddam Hussein’s bribe money, conveyed...


HRC Update: They’ve released their action plan, which is to use the time and money they saved not worrying about state-imposed famine, concentration camps, infanticides, and Orwellian thought control, and focusing those resources on the cause of imposing a socialist nanny state in the South: Korea’s National Human Rights Commission on Monday finalized an action plan to promote human rights and protect the less privileged in society. The plan calls for greater political rights for government officials and teachers, who...

Long-Time Communist Dictator Hun Sen Reestablishing Totalitarian Control in Cambodia

What’s saddest about this is that only a few years ago, Cambodia seemed headed for democracy. No longer: “Cambodia right now is at a crossroads: It must decide whether it’s going to be a real democracy or whether it’s going to move inexorably toward a one-party state,” said the American ambassador, Joseph Mussomeli. The special United Nations envoy for human rights in Cambodia, Yash Ghai, said only strong action from the countries that support Cambodia’s economy could stop the slide....

S. Korean Government Tries, Fails to Postpone USFK-ROK Exercises

What good is an Army that can’t train out of fear of offending the enemy? “Since the end of last year, some in the government have been adamant that the RSOI and Foal Eagle drills must be postponed and have talked to the USFK about the issue,” a government source said Monday. “They judged that North Korea was likely to be sensitive to the joint drills to the point where that would impede progress in dialogue between the two Koreas....