Koreans and Japanese Are Brothers! Let there be Sunshine over Tokdo! An interesting study here, although I have my doubts about who represents “Japanese,” “Chinese,” or “European” genes. Japanese from the West have a distinctly more “Korean” look than those in the Kanto Plain and further North, who tend to look more European. There are also drastic variations between the peoples of North, South, and West China. The one that would have interested me the most would have been a...

Iraqi General Dies During U.S. Interrogation

OK, this officially concerns me, presuming the facts are as reported. Lack of clarity as to how we treat terrorist detainees doesn’t excuse this. This guy was a captured uniformed officer. As such, he was presumably entitled to POW status. The Army trains every soldier how to treat POWs. I’ve personally trained thousands of them. And of course, even a captured terrorist would be entitled to better treatment than this under Common Article II of Geneva. Given the content of...

UPDATE: N. Korean Delegate Fails to Show

Is this a walkout? If so, it’s the perfect diplomatic storm. All of the other parties had apparently agreed on a draft statement of very fuzzy general principles. Under those circumstances, even China would be under pressure to abstain on a sanctions resolution, or alternatively, to turn off the fuel spigot. I doubt even North Korea would be that stupid. Update to an update: The Washington Post has more: [U.S. delegate Amb. Chris] Hill, briefing reporters after an evening of...

Not an Axis?

I’m often taken aback by statements from intelligent people that North Korea should not be linked to the Middle East or terrorism, or seen as a proliferation danger. Typical is this recent comment on NKZone: NK does not have any affiliation to the Moslem Middle East . . . Oh, really? Exhibit A, North Korean technical assistance to the Iranian nuclear program since the 1990s. Exhibit B, a report that Iran recently sold Russian-made cruise missiles to North Korea. Exhibit...

Must-Read: Cell Phone Family Reunions

One of my zanier ideas has actually come to pass: wireless family reunions, which have the advantage of an absence of North Korean state minders. A few weeks ago, Mr. Han, a North Korean defector currently residing in South Korea, talked to his family in North Korea on the mobile phone of Mr. Kim. Mr. Han thought it was better to call at night for his family to lock the house and talk in the corner of a room. However,...

Amb. Hill Hints at Breakdown in Talks

From the NY Times: BEIJING, Aug. 2 – Six-nation talks aimed at ending North Korea’s nuclear weapons programs may be suspended or even break off altogether if the participants cannot settle on a summary of principles for future disarmament talks, the chief American negotiator said Tuesday. “Whether we have a draft that everyone agrees on, whether we have a recess of some kind, I don’t know yet,” the negotiator, Christopher Hill, told reporters here after an eighth day of the...

Not an Axis?

I’m often taken aback by statements from intelligent people that North Korea should not be linked to the Middle East or terrorism, or seen as a proliferation danger. Typical is this recent comment on NKZone: NK does not have any affiliation to the Moslem Middle East . . . Oh, really? Exhibit A, North Korean technical assistance to the Iranian nuclear program since the 1990s. Exhibit B, a report that Iran recently sold Russian-made cruise missiles to North Korea. Exhibit...

Is It Over Yet?

Almost. The six-nation talks appear to have deadlocked: North Korea’s main envoy said Tuesday that his country won’t give up its nuclear weapons until an alleged U.S. nuclear threat against the communist nation is eliminated, the first public comments from the North after eight days of six-party negotiations. . . . . The North has alleged the United States has nuclear weapons in South Korea, a claim both Seoul and Washington deny. However, the North could also be referring to...

“No wonder we hate these motherf*ckers.”

I had no idea Muhammad Ali had been to Pyongyang until I read this: Because of the ravages of Parkinson’s disease, it was difficult to understand Muhammad Ali when he spoke. But at one function, we were sitting at a big, round table with a group of North Korean luminaries when one of the guys started rambling on about the moral superiority of North Korea, and how they could take out the United States or Japan any time they wanted....

Rep. Ed Royce on North Korea

Thanks to his office for forwarding the text of his recent statement to a group of Japanese parliamentarians. Full text here. Royce is a twelve-year Republican member of Congress from California and a six-year veteran of the International Relations Committee. He is a contender for chairmanship of the Asia-Pacific Affairs Subcommittee if Leach moves up to become commitee Chairman after Rep. Hyde retires. Royce and his staff are also regulars at meetings relating to North Korean human rights issues.

Does the USFK Have a Future?

This report suggests that most of the command machinery may be moving to Japan. A new U.S. Army command to be set up at Camp Zama in Japan would assume charge in an emergency on the Korean Peninsula, the Daily Yomiuri reported Monday. . . . . The daily said direct command of the UEX would be limited to an emergency on the Korean Peninsula, while the China-Taiwan “hot zone” and conflicts in Southeast Asia included in the “arc of...

Bush Installs Bolton in Recess Appointment

I have deeply mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I’m pleased President Bush remains stubbornly cognizant of the fact he won an election fought primarily over America’s role in the world. Bolton’s nomination was an MSG-enhanced warm-over of that contest, and Bolton’s fiercest Senate opponents are once-and-potential Democratic nominees (Kerry, Biden, Clinton). Bush, of course, had every right to choose the person he wanted to represent America’s interests and Bush’s policies at the U.N. Democrats had the right and...