Photo Essay on China’s Underclass

Thanks to Dan at tdaxp for forwarding the link. Draw your own conclusions; I think that China’s transformation to a capitalist economy will mean, on balance, that fewer people live in these conditions. You need only think of North Korea to see that. Regrettable as these scenes are, they will disappear sooner if China continues to industrialize. The problem is that China’s transformation to capitalism is warped by the strangling tentacles of a corrupt state. This scene, of police confiscating...

Photo Essay on China’s Underclass

Thanks to Dan at tdaxp for forwarding the link. Draw your own conclusions; I think that China’s transformation to a capitalist economy will mean, on balance, that fewer people live in these conditions. You need only think of North Korea to see that. Regrettable as these scenes are, they will disappear sooner if China continues to industrialize. The problem is that China’s transformation to capitalism is warped by the strangling tentacles of a corrupt state. This scene, of police confiscating...

Why the Iranian Election Results Are Good News

I’m feeling optimistic today because the hardest-line of two hard-line candidates (the one wanted for murder in more countries than the other) prevailed in the patent sham that the Iranian mullahs call an “election.” Having said that, I suppose I should explain myself. Does anyone really still believe that any candidate the Guardian Council would have allowed onto the Iranian ballot was amenable to real reform? That should have been the lesson of the Khatami presidency, which proved itself both...

Why the Iranian Election Results Are Good News

I’m feeling optimistic today because the hardest-line of two hard-line candidates (the one wanted for murder in more countries than the other) prevailed in the patent sham that the Iranian mullahs call an “election.” Having said that, I suppose I should explain myself. Does anyone really still believe that any candidate the Guardian Council would have allowed onto the Iranian ballot was amenable to real reform? That should have been the lesson of the Khatami presidency, which proved itself both...


Today’s Washington Post has the story, “U.S. Says China Should Prod N. Korea on Talks,” which does report the president’s position, even if trying to blame him at the same time; The Bush administration blamed China yesterday for not doing enough to cajole North Korea back to nuclear talks… Undersecretary of State Robert Joseph, who recently replaced John R. Bolton… said China, which is a close ally of North Korea and which supplies the impoverished state with oil and food,...


I recently watched “Team America: World Police,” which although was full of needless vulgarity (another point they were trying to make, I think), make some very good, and funny, observations. I do wonder why it take a satirical comedy with dolls to drive home the point about the UN. As a Korea-watcher, this is a classic scene; Kim Jong Il: Hans Brix? Oh no! Oh, herro. Great to see you again, Hans! Hans Blix: Mr. Il, I was supposed to...

Interview with Prof. Jae Ku, Freedom House’s New North Korea Director

OFK: Please tell us about your background–where you grew up, and what people, ideas, and philosophies influenced the shaping of your character. Jae Ku: I lived in Korea during my first eight years. I have two older brothers and a sister, so there were six of us. I grew up in Midwest, but mostly in Kansas. I spent most of my childhood in the town of Salina. I voted for the first time in 1988, for Mike Michael Dukakis. My...

The American Enterprise’s North Korea Issue

UPDATE: I’ve posted grafs from TAE’s North Korea issue here. All authors are excerpted, including Daniel Kennelly, Gordon Cucullu, Victor Davis Hanson, Nicholas Eberstadt, and Ambassador James Lilley. I strongly recommend that you just buy the whole thing. Hey, it’s only seven bucks. Original Post: The American Enterprise’s June issue focuses on North Korea, and has rounded up the thoughts of some of Washington’s strongest thinkers on the subject, including Victor Davis Hanson, Gordon Cucullu, Nicholas Eberstadt, and Ambassador James...

Interview with Prof. Jae Ku, Freedom House’s New North Korea Director

OFK: Please tell us about your background–where you grew up, and what people, ideas, and philosophies influenced the shaping of your character. Jae Ku: I lived in Korea during my first eight years. I have two older brothers and a sister, so there were six of us. I grew up in Midwest, but mostly in Kansas. I spent most of my childhood in the town of Salina. I voted for the first time in 1988, for Mike Michael Dukakis. My...